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81661 저널기사 The influence of anneal and composition on the superparamagnetism of inhomogeneous CuCo films 미리보기
Fedosyuk, V. M North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
81662 저널기사 The Influence of Anneal on Magnetic and Structural Properties of the Electrodeposited Alloy Cu0.94Co0.06 / 미리보기
Fedosyuk, V.M VSV Co. Ltd 1996
81663 저널기사 The influence of anneal on the structural and magnetic properties of theelectrodeposited thin-film alloy Cu~9~4Co~6 미리보기
Jones, G. A. Blythe, H. J. Fedosyuk, V. M. Chapman and Hall 1996
81664 저널기사 The influence of anthropometric factors in assessing the occupational fitness of infantrymen / 미리보기
Sidney, K 1990
81665 저널기사 The influence of anthropomorphic communication in social media on the country-of-origin effect 미리보기
Wenting Feng ; Tao Wang ; Wenlong Mu World advertising research center 2020
81666 저널기사 The influence of antibiotics and antitumor agents on relax activity of pisum sativum leaf chloroplast topoisomerase I / 미리보기
Sitailo, L.A Nauka 1991
81667 저널기사 The Influence of Anticipated Counterfactual Regret on Behavior 미리보기
Hetts, J. J. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2000
81668 저널기사 The influence of antisense oligonucleotide-induced RNA structure on Escherichia coli RNase H1 activity 미리보기
Lima, W. F American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
81669 저널기사 The Influence of an Upper Thermocline Current on Intrathermocline Eddies 미리보기
Morel, Y. G American Meteorological Society 1980
81670 저널기사 The influence of a nylon bag carrier on alfalfa crude protein degradability 미리보기
Jiri, T Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
81671 저널기사 The influence of a phase change on the thermal history of a sample undergoing laser irradiation 미리보기
Wojtatowicz, T. W Chapman and Hall 1997
81672 저널기사 The influence of appropriability conditions on the firm's entry timing orientation 미리보기
Tuppura, A.; Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P.; Puumalainen, K.; Jantunen, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
81673 저널기사 The influence of aqueous-phase chemical reactions on ozone formation in polluted and nonpolluted clouds 미리보기
Walcek, C. J Pergamon 1997
81674 저널기사 The influence of a recombinant-HBsAg vaccine on the repertoire of transcribed T-cell receptor �chain variable region genes in peripheral blood in humans 미리보기
Abbott, W. G. H Butterworths 1996
81675 저널기사 The Influence of a Reduction in Force on the Attirudes of Engineers 미리보기
Gannon, Martin J.;Foreman, Charles;Pugh, Kenneth ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1973
81676 저널기사 The Influence of a Relationship on Children's and Adolescents' Participation in Research/ 미리보기
Broome, M. E American Journal of Nursing Co.] 2003
81677 저널기사 The influence of a relaxation parameter on SPECT iterative reconstruction algorithms 미리보기
Ros, D Institute of Physics in association with the American Institute of Physics and the American Associat 1980
81678 저널기사 The influence of a retailers corporate social responsibility program on re-conceptualizing store image 미리보기
Gupta, S.; Pirsch, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
81679 저널기사 The influence of argon pressure on the structure of sputtered molybdenum: From porous amorphous to a new type of highly textured film 미리보기
Klabunde, F American Institute of Physics 1980
81680 저널기사 The Influence of Art Infusion on the Perception and Evaluation of Consumer Products 미리보기
Hagtvedt, H.; Patrick, V. Association for Consumer Research 2008
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