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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81781 저널기사 The Influence of Cognitive-based Group Composition on Decision-making Process and Outcome 미리보기
81782 저널기사 The influence of cognitive distance in vacation choice 미리보기
Crompton, J. L. PERGAMON 2001
81783 저널기사 The influence of cognitive impairment on driving performance in multiple sclerosis/ 미리보기
Schultheis, M T Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2001
81784 저널기사 The influence of cognitive style on the understandability of a professional accounting pronouncement by accounting students 미리보기
81785 저널기사 The Influence of Cognitive Variables on the Relationship between Instrumentality and Career Orientation among Japanese College Women 미리보기
Matsui, T. ACADEMIC PRESS 1999
81786 저널기사 The influence of coherent ticu plate-like precipitates on the thermoelastic martensitic transformation in melt-spun Ti50Ni25Cu25 shape memory alloys/ 미리보기
R�sner, H Elsevier Science 2001
81787 저널기사 The influence of coherent TiCu plate-like precipitates on the thermoelastic martensitic transformation in melt-spun Ti50Ni25Cu25 shape memory alloys, by H. R�sner, P. Schlossmacher, A. V. Shelyakov and A. M. Glezer, originally published in Acta Materialia, Volume 49 (9), 2001, pp. 1541-1548/ 미리보기
Elsevier Science 2001
81788 저널기사 The Influence of Collaborative IT Tools on NPD 미리보기
Marion, Tucker J.; Reid, Mike; Hultink, Erik Jan; Barczak, Gloria Industrial Research Institute 2016
81789 저널기사 The influence of collectivism in restaurant selection: A sentence completion experiment 미리보기
Magnini, V. P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
81790 저널기사 The influence of collectivist human resource management practices on team-level identification 미리보기
Li, Yongqiang; Zhang, Guanglei; Yang, Xin; Li, Ji Routledge 2015
81791 저널기사 The influence of college students' shopping orientations and gender differences on online information searches and purchase behaviours 미리보기
Seock, Y. K.; Bailey, L. R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008
81792 저널기사 The influence of collision energy and strain accumulation on the kinetics of mechanical alloying 미리보기
Schaffer, G. B Chapman and Hall 1997
81793 저널기사 The influence of collisions on the plasma sheath transition 미리보기
Riemann, K.-U American Institute of Physics 1980
81794 저널기사 The influence of common cation BH^+ on the products of reactions betweenC-acids and strong guanidine bases in acetonitrile solvent 미리보기
Galezowski, W Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
81795 저널기사 The influence of company financial performance on the interpretation of dividend and earnings signals: a study of accounting- and market-based data 미리보기
Abeyratna, G. ACADEMIC PRESS LTD 1996
81796 저널기사 The influence of company size on the management of external sources of technological information 미리보기
Gomes, C.M.; Kruglianskas, I.; Scherer, F.L. Inderscience Enterprises 2014
81797 저널기사 The Influence of Comparative Procedure in the United States 미리보기
Langbein, J. H American Association for the Comparative Study of Law 1995
81798 저널기사 The influence of competences and institutions on the international market orientation in foreign-owned subsidiaries 미리보기
Dahms, Sven Inderscience 2019
81799 저널기사 The influence of competitive interactions on multiple eutectic phase behavior in poly(ethylene oxide) molecular complexes/ 미리보기
Belfiore, L. A Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 2003
81800 저널기사 The Influence of Competitiveness on SMEs Internationalization Effectiveness. Online Versus Offline Business Networking 미리보기
Vătămănescu, Elena-Mădălina; Andrei, Andreia Gabriela; Nicolescu, Luminița; Pînzaru, Florina; Zbuchea, Alexandra Auerbach 2017
맨앞 이전 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 다음 맨뒤
