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84021 저널기사 The Interaction of Escherichia coli Topoisomerase IV with DNA 미리보기
Peng, H American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
84022 저널기사 The Interaction of Ethanol With the Cognitive Enhancers Tacrine, Physostigmine, and AIT-082 미리보기
Ritzmann, R. F. Published quarterly for the Gerontological Society, Inc. by C.C. Thomas 1994
84023 저널기사 The interaction of eukaryotic tyrosy1-rRNA-synthetases with, high molecular weight RNAs/ 미리보기
Kurochkin, I. V Nauka 1991
84024 저널기사 The Interaction of Factor XIa with Activated Platelets but Not Endothelial Cells Promotes the Activation of Factor IX in the Consolidation Phase of Blood Coagulation 미리보기
Baird, T. R.; Walsh, P. N. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
84025 저널기사 The interaction of fast alpha particles with pellet ablation clouds 미리보기
McChesney, J. M American Institute of Physics 1980
84026 저널기사 The interaction of guarantees, surplus distribution, and asset allocation in with-profit life insurance policies 미리보기
Kling, A.; Richter, A.; Ruß, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
84027 저널기사 The interaction of H~2O~2 with exchanged titanium oxide systems (TS-1, TiO~2, [Ti]-APO-5, Ti-ZSM-5)/ 미리보기
Antcliff, K. L Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
84028 저널기사 The interaction of H~2O with an electron paramagnetic resonance center in oxidized, heat treated SiC 미리보기
Macfarlane, P. J American Institute of Physics 1980
84029 저널기사 The Interaction of Harpin~P~s~s, with Plant Cell Walls 미리보기
Hoyos, M. E APS Press 1996
84030 저널기사 The interaction of HCl with the (0001) face of hexagonal ice studied theoretically via Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics/ 미리보기
Mantz, Yves A North Holland 2001
84031 저널기사 The Interaction of HIV-1 Tat(32-72) with its Target RNA: A Fluorescence and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study 미리보기
Metzger, A. U Academic Press 1980
84032 저널기사 The Interaction of Human and Physical Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa 미리보기
Grier, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
84033 저널기사 The interaction of human LDL with the tegument of adult Schistosoma mansoni 미리보기
Tempone, A. J Dr. W. Junk B. V. Publishers 1980
84034 저널기사 The interaction of humic substances with cationic polyelectrolytes/ 미리보기
Kam, Sang-Kyu Pergamon Press 2001
84035 저널기사 The Interaction of Implicit and Explicit Contracts in Construction and Procurement Contracting 미리보기
Corts, K. S. Oxford University Press 2012
84036 저널기사 The Interaction of Implicit and Explicit Contracts in Repeated Agency 미리보기
Pearce, David G Academic Press 1998
84037 저널기사 The Interaction of Implicit and Explicit Contracts in Repeated Agency 미리보기
Pearce, D. G Academic Press 1998
84038 저널기사 The Interaction of Implicit and Explicit Contracts in Repeated Agency 미리보기
Pearce, D. G. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 1998
84039 저널기사 The interaction of incentives and information disclosure: the case of confidence interval information 미리보기
Foong, S. Y.; Lawrence, M.; O'Connor, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2003
84040 저널기사 The interaction of interests and norms in international democracy promotion 미리보기
Wolff, Jonas; Spanger, Hans-Joachim PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD 2017
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