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84061 저널기사 The Interaction of Poly(ethylene glycol) with Water Studied by ^1H and ^2H NMR Relaxation Time Measurements 미리보기
Luesse, S American Chemical Society 1996
84062 저널기사 The Interaction of Population Growth and Environmental Quality 미리보기
Cropper, M.;Griffiths, C. The Association 1994
84063 저널기사 The Interaction of Population Growth and Environmental Quality 미리보기
84064 저널기사 The Interaction of Private and Public Governance: The Case of Sustainability Standards for Palm Oil 미리보기
Clara Brandi F. Cass 2021
84065 저널기사 The interaction of Pt with TiO~2(110) surfaces: a comparative XPS, UPS, ISS, and ESD study 미리보기
Schierbaum, K. D North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
84066 저널기사 The Interaction of Public and Private Cartel Enforcement 미리보기
Kluwer Law International 2019
84067 저널기사 The Interaction of Rabbit Reticulocyte Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor eIF-2B with Chain Initiation Factor 2: Studies with N-Ethylmaleimide and Trypsin 미리보기
Singh, L. P Academic Press 1980
84068 저널기사 The Interaction of Race, Gender, and Age In Criminal Sentencing: The Punishment Cost of Being Young, Black, and Male 미리보기
84069 저널기사 The interaction of R&D intensity and firm age: Empirical evidence from technology-based growth companies in the German “Neuer Markt?? 미리보기
Wohrl, R.; Husig, S.; Dowling, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
84070 저널기사 The Interaction of Retail Density and Music Tempo: Effects on Shopper Responses 미리보기
Eroglu, S. A.; Machleit, K. A.; Chebat, J.-C. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2005
84071 저널기사 The Interaction of Reward Contingencies and Causality Orientation on the Introduction of Cooperative Tactics in Buyer-Seller Negotiations 미리보기
Pullins, E. B. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2001
84072 저널기사 The interaction of RGSZ1 with SCG10 attenuates the ability of SCG10 to promote microtubule disassembly 미리보기
Nixon, A. B.; Grenningloh, G.; Casey, P. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
84073 저널기사 The Interaction of Rolling Vortices With a Turbulent Boundary Layer (Data Bank Contribution) 미리보기
Donnelly, M. J American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1995
84074 저널기사 The Interaction of Sampling and Weighting in Producing a Representative Sample Online: An Excerpt from the ARF's ``Foundations of Quality 2'' Initiative 미리보기
Bremer, J. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2013
84075 저널기사 The Interaction of Sawing and Edging Operations on Red Alder Finger-Joint Cut-Stock Production 미리보기
Brunner, C. C Forest Products Research Society] 1997
84076 저널기사 The interaction of self-monitoring and organizational position on perceived effort 미리보기
Bryant, D. U.; Mitcham, M.; Araiza, A. R.; Leung, W. M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
84077 저널기사 The Interaction of Sex and Power Base on Perceptions of Managerial Effectiveness 미리보기
Wiley, Mary Glenn;Eskilson, Arlene ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1982
84078 저널기사 The Interaction of Short-Term Reversal and Momentum Strategies 미리보기
Zhu, Zhaobo; Yung, Kenneth Institutional Investor, Inc 2016
84079 저널기사 The interaction of small molecules with Pd and K covered Pd surfaces at energies from 200 keV to 6 keV 미리보기
Schlathoelter, T North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
84080 저널기사 The interaction of social influences and task experience on goals, performance, and performance satisfaction 미리보기
Thomas L. Rakestraw; Howard M. Weiss Academic Press 1981
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