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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
84441 저널기사 The International Diversification Puzzle Is Worse Than You Think 미리보기
84442 저널기사 The International Diversification Puzzle When Goods Prices Are Sticky: It's Really about Exchange-Rate Hedging, Not Equity Portfolios 미리보기
Engel, C.; Matsumoto, A. American Economic Association 2009
84443 저널기사 The International Divestment Activities of European Grocery Retailers 미리보기
Burt, S.; Dawson, J.; Sparks, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
84444 저널기사 The international division of labour (Book Review). 미리보기
Krueger Anne O American Economic Assonication
84445 저널기사 The international drivers of domestic airline mergers in twenty nations: integrating industrial organization and international business 미리보기
Clougherty, J. A. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2006
84446 저널기사 The International Dynamics of R&D and Innovation in the Long Run and in The Short Run 미리보기
Bottazzi, L.; Peri, G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
84447 저널기사 The International Economic Crisis and the Crisis of Economics 미리보기
Kotios, A.; Galanos, G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
84448 저널기사 The International Economy and Presidential Approval 미리보기
Burden, B. C.; Mughan, A. University of Chicago Press [etc.] 2003
84449 저널기사 The International Economy of Children's Rights: Issues in Translation 미리보기
I Anson, John; Quennerstedt, Ann; Robinson, Carol M. Nijhoff Publishers : Kluwer Academic Publishers 2017
84450 저널기사 The International Effects of China-s Growth, Trade and Education Booms 미리보기
Harris, R. G.; Robertson, P. E.; Xu, J. Y. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
84451 저널기사 The international effects of mining projects: the case of Carajas iron ore 미리보기
Lopes da Silva Neto, A. BUTTERWORTH - HEINEMANN 1993
84452 저널기사 The international e-marketing framework (IEMF): Identifying the building blocks for future global e-marketing research 미리보기
Krishnamurthy, S.; Singh, N. Corporate Press 2005
84453 저널기사 The International Emergency Management Society focus on cultural differences to be understood and included in the society's events, education and research programmes 미리보기
Drager, K. Harald Inderscience Enterprises Ltd : Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2015
84454 전자저널 The International Executive (currently known as Thunderbird International Business Review) 미리보기
Wiley 1959 URL
84455 저널기사 The International Expansion of U.S. Franchise Systems: Status and Strategies 미리보기
Donald W. Hackett Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
Cava, Giuseppe La American Medical Association 1956
84457 저널기사 The International Finance Corporation and the emerging markets funds industry 미리보기
Lavelle, K. C. Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies] 2000
84458 저널기사 The International Financial Architecture after the Asian Crisis: Learning from Las Vegas? 미리보기
Snowden, N. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1999
84459 저널기사 The international financial regulation of SPACs between legal standardised regulation and standardisation of market practices 미리보기
Daniele D’Alvia Palgrave Macmillan 2020
84460 저널기사 The international flavours of corporate social responsibility 미리보기
Peters, R.; Vassar, J.A. Inderscience 2009
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