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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
85021 저널기사 The Interview Head of BSI China, Dr Yimin Gao 미리보기
unknown IQA 2013
85022 저널기사 The interview process and beyond 미리보기
Walker, S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
85023 저널기사 The Interview Taylor Woodrow's Head of Quality and Business Performance 미리보기
McNab, E. IQA 2014
85024 저널기사 The Interwoven Architecture of the Mu Transposase Couples DNA Synapsis to Catalysis 미리보기
Aldaz, H MIT Press 1996
85025 저널기사 The Intestate Succession Rights of the Deceased's Spouse in Historical and Comparative Perspective 미리보기
Zimmermann, Reinhard Mohr 2016
85026 저널기사 The intestinal flora influences adhesion formation around surgical anastomoses/ 미리보기
Bothin, C Butterworth Scientific LTD 2001
85027 저널기사 The intestine and its microflora are partners for the protection of the host: report on the Danone Symposium "The Intelligent Intestine," held in Paris, June 14, 2002/ 미리보기
Bourlioux, P Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Inc 2003
85028 저널기사 The Intial susceptibility of Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Rectangular Lattice / 미리보기
Karpenko, B.V 1999
85029 저널기사 The Intimate and the Communal: Costantino Nivola Nivola wove together contradictory private and public trends in his mature sculpture/ 미리보기
Licht, F International Sculpture Center 2003
85030 저널기사 The intimate city: violence, gender and ordinary life in Delhi slums 미리보기
Datta, Ayona V.H. Winston 2016
85031 저널기사 The Intimate Entrenchment of Philadelphia's Drug War 미리보기
Massaro, Vanessa A. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2015
85032 저널기사 The intimate-mobility entanglement: Subaltern trajectories in the Haitian-Dominican borderlands 미리보기
Masaya Llavaneras Blanco SAGE Publishing 2022
85033 저널기사 The intimate public as a decolonial lens: “cripping” affect, nationalism and imperial violence 미리보기
Sara Tafakori Cambridge University Press 2023
85034 저널기사 The Intraacrosomal Calcium Pool Plays a Direct Role in Acrosomal Exocytosis 미리보기
De Blas, G.; Michaut, M.; Trevino, C. L.; Tomes, C. N.; Yunes, R.; Darszon, A.; Mayorga, L. S. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
85035 저널기사 The intra alliance division of value created through collaboration 미리보기
Adegbesan, J. A.; Higgins, M. J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2011
85036 저널기사 The intracellular deletions of DELTA and SERRATE define dominant negative forms of the Drosophila Notch ligands 미리보기
Sun, X Company of Biologists 1980
85037 저널기사 The Intracellular Domain of the Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-related Protein Modulates Transactivation Mediated by Amyloid Precursor Protein and Fe65/ 미리보기
Kinoshita, A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
85038 저널기사 The Intracellular Form of Notch Blocks Transforming Growth Factor beta-Mediated Growth Arrest in Mv1Lu Epithelial Cells/ 미리보기
Rao, P American Society for Microbiology 2003
85039 저널기사 The intracellular functions of �6�4 integrin are regulated by EGF 미리보기
Mainiero, F Rockefeller University Press 1980
85040 저널기사 The Intracellular pH of Clostridium paradoxum, an Anaerobic, Alkaliphilic, and Thermophilic Bacterium 미리보기
Cook, G. M American Society for Microbiology. 1980
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