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85301 저널기사 The in Vitro Phosphorylation of the Co-Chaperone mSTI1 by Cell Cycle Kinases Substantiates a Predicted Casein Kinase II-p34cdc2-NLS (CcN) Motif/ 미리보기
Longshaw, V M W. de Gruyter 2000
85302 저널기사 The in-vivo cardiovascular effects of a putative class III anti-arrhythmic drug, AM 92016 미리보기
Hagerty, M. J Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
85303 저널기사 The in vivo profile of transcription factors during neutrophil differentiation in human bone marrow/ 미리보기
Bjerregaard, M. D W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
85304 저널기사 The Invocation of the European Union’s Mutual Assistance Clause: A Call for Enforced Solidarity  미리보기
Niklas I.M. Nováky Kluwer Law International
85305 저널기사 The Involved Ostrich: Mothers' Perceptions of Fathers' Participation in the Transition to Parenthood 미리보기
The VOICE Group VOicing International Consumption Experiences Association for Consumer Research 2009
85306 저널기사 The Involved Ostrich: Mothers' Perceptions of Fathers' Participation in the Transition to Parenthood 미리보기
The VOICE Group VOicing International Consumption Experiences Association for Consumer Research 2009
85307 저널기사 The involvement and influence of emotions in problematic business relationships 미리보기
Tahtinen, J.; Blois, K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
85308 저널기사 The Involvement of an LPS Inducible IkappaB Kinase in Endotoxin Tolerance 미리보기
Kohler, N. G Academic Press 1980
85309 저널기사 The involvement of ATP sulfurylase in Se(VI) and Cr(VI) reduction processes in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe/ 미리보기
Raspor, P Springer International 2003
85310 저널기사 The involvement of Ca^2^+ gradients, Ca^2^+ fluxes, and CaM kinase II in polarization and germination of Silvetia compressa zygotes/ 미리보기
Pu, R Springer-Verlag 2003
85311 저널기사 The Involvement of Children in Decisions about Shared Residence 미리보기
Skjorten, K.; Barlindhaug, R. Oxford University Press 2007
85312 저널기사 The Involvement of Civil Society Organizations in British Industrial Relations: Extent, Origins and Significance 미리보기
Heery, E.; Abbott, B.; Williams, S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
85313 저널기사 The Involvement of EU Law in Private Law Relationships. Ed. by Dorota Leczykiewicz and Stephen Weatherill. Oxford & Portland, Ore. 2013 미리보기
Fornasier, Matteo Mohr 2017
85314 저널기사 The involvement of HAb18G/CD147 in regulation of store-operated calcium entry and metastasis of human hepatoma cells 미리보기
Li Jiang, J.; Zhou, Q.; Yu, M. K.; Ho, L. S.; Chen, Z. N.; Chan, H. C. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2001
85315 저널기사 The Involvement of Heparan Sulfate (HS) in FGF1/HS/FGFR1 Signaling Complex/ 미리보기
Wu, Z. L American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
85316 저널기사 The Involvement of Heparan Sulfate (HS) in FGF1/HS/FGFR1 Signaling Complex 미리보기
Wu, Z. L.; Zhang, L.; Yabe, T.; Kuberan, B.; Beeler, D. L.; Love, A.; Rosenberg, R. D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
85317 저널기사 The Involvement of Hypoxia-inducible Transcription Factor-1-dependent Pathway in Nickel Carcinogenesis/ 미리보기
Salnikow, K Williams and Wilkins 2003
85318 저널기사 The involvement of interleukin (IL)-15 in regulating the differentiationof granulated metrial gland cells in mouse pregnant uterus 미리보기
Ye, W Rockefeller University Press 1980
85319 저널기사 The Involvement of PKC in N-Cadherin-mediated Adherens Junction Assemblyin Cultured Cardiomyocytes 미리보기
Wu, J.-C Academic Press 1980
85320 저널기사 The involvement of polyphenols and peroxidase activities in heavy-metal accumulation by epidermal glands of the waterlily (Nymphaeaceae)/ 미리보기
Lavid, Noa Springer-Verlag 2001
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