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85481 저널기사 (The) irradiation of alkyl siloxanes in the adsorbed stste. 미리보기
맹기석 忠南大學校 工業敎育硏究所 1986
85482 저널기사 The irradiation of DNA molecule the potential changes and mutations / 미리보기
Grebneva, E.A Nauka 1994
85483 저널기사 The Irrational Brexit and the Revocability of the Withdrawal Notification of the United Kingdom to the European Council  미리보기
85484 저널기사 The Irrational Economist: Making decisions In A Dangerous World by Erwann Michel Kerjan and Paul Slovic (eds.) 미리보기
Pieterman, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
85485 저널기사 The irrational exuberant taxation of intellectual informational enterprises - beyond Google 미리보기
Briloff, A.J.; Briloff, L.A. Inderscience 2011
85486 저널기사 The irreducible string and an infinity of additional constants of motionin a deposition evaporation model on a line 미리보기
Hari Menon, M. K The Institute of Physics 1980
85487 저널기사 The irreducible tensor approach in the separation of collective angles in the quantum N-body problem/ 미리보기
Meremianin, A. V North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
85488 저널기사 The Irrelevance of Blackstone: Rethinking the Eighteenth-Century Importance of the Commentaries 미리보기
Minot, Martin Jordan Virginia Law Review Association 2018
85489 저널기사 The irrelevance of conventional economics (Book Review). 미리보기
American Economic Assonication
85490 저널기사 The (Ir)relevance of Disclosure of Compliance with Corporate Governance Codes: Empirical Evidence from the German Stock Market 미리보기
Mahr, Till G.; Nowak, Eric; Rott, Roland J. C. B. Mohr 2016
85491 저널기사 The irrelevance of inference: a decision-making approach to the stochastic evaluation of health care technologies 미리보기
Claxton, K. ELSEVIER 1999
85492 저널기사 The `irrelevance of irrelevance' in entrepreneurial finance: modeling the cost of capital in start-ups beyond Modigliani-Miller 미리보기
Koch, L. T.; Kuhn, W.; Gruenhagen, M.; Hisrich, R. D. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
85493 저널기사 The Irrelevance of Margin: Evidence from the Crash of '87 미리보기
Seguin, P. J. WAVERLY PRESS INC 1993
85494 저널기사 The Irrelevance of National Strategies? Rural Poverty Dynamics in States and Regions of India, 1993-2005 미리보기
Krishna, A.; Shariff, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
85495 저널기사 The (ir)relevance of real wage rigidity in the New Keynesian model with search frictions 미리보기
Krause, M. U.; Lubik, T. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
85496 저널기사 The Irrelevance of Returns to Scale in Sraffa's Analysis. 미리보기
Eatwell John American Economic Assonication
85497 저널기사 The Irrelevance of Returns to Scale in Sraffa's Analysis: A Comment. 미리보기
Levine A. L American Economic Assonication
85498 저널기사 The irrelevance of some forms of credit constraints for government monetary and debt policy 미리보기
English, W. B. 00 2000
85499 저널기사 The Irrelevance of Sraffa's Analysis Without Constant Returns to Scale. 미리보기
Burmeister Edwin American Economic Assonication
85500 저널기사 The irrelevance of the MM dividend irrelevance theorem 미리보기
DeAngelo, H.; DeAngelo, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
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