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85701 저널기사 The Italian Constitutional Court Strengthens the Dialogue with the European Court of Justice Lodging for the First Time a Preliminary Ruling in an Indirect (`Incidenter') Proceeding 미리보기
Matteucci, S.C. Kluwer Law International 2014
85702 저널기사 The Italian Corporate Tax Reform: U.S. Outbound Update 미리보기
Marino, G.; Ballancin, A. Panel Publishers 2004
85703 저널기사 The Italian Crisis 미리보기
Giorgio Napolitano Council on Foreign Relations 1978
85704 저널기사 The Italian Crisis: A Communist Perspective 미리보기
Napolitano, Giorgio Council on Foreign Relations 1978
85705 저널기사 The Italian Debt Securities Market Opens Up 미리보기
Grippo, E.; Hamilton, R. Sweet & Maxwell 2012
85706 저널기사 The Italian economy (Book Review). 미리보기
Santoro Vincenzina American Economic Assonication
85707 저널기사 The Italian economy: Rival plans 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2008
85708 저널기사 The Italian economy: The euro's Achilles heel 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2011
85709 저널기사 The Italian election of 2018 and the first populist government of Western Europe 미리보기
Garzia, Diego F. Cass 2019
85710 저널기사 The Italian election When cynics rule 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2013
85711 저널기사 The Italian election Who can save Italy? 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2013
85712 저널기사 The Italian `Entrepreneurial Formula': a systemic approach to strategy 미리보기
Annushkina, O. Inderscience 2011
85713 저널기사 The Italian Financial System: Neither Bank Based Nor Market Based 미리보기
Cobham, D. BLACKWELL 1999
85714 저널기사 The Italian General Election of 13 May 2001: Democratic Alternation or False Step? 미리보기
85715 저널기사 The Italian General Election of 1996: The Left on Top or on Tap? 미리보기
Newell, J. L. 00 1996
85716 저널기사 The Italian Google-Case: Privacy, Freedom of Speech and Responsibility of Providers for User-Generated Contents 미리보기
Sartor, G.; Viola de Azevedo Cunha, M. Oxford University Press 2010
85717 저널기사 The Italian government Shirtsleeve time 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
85718 저널기사 The Italian Health Literacy Project: Insights from the assessment of health literacy skills in Italy 미리보기
Palumbo, R.; Annarumma, C.; Adinolfi, P.; Musella, M.; Piscopo, G. Elsevier : Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 2016
85719 저널기사 The Italian High-Net-Worth Individual Tax Regime in Practice: Analysis and Opportunities 미리보기
Papotti, Raul-Angelo; Ferro, Lorenzo Tax Analysts 2019
85720 저널기사 The Italian left Disunited they fall 미리보기
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