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1 단행본 The Jackson ADR handbook 미리보기
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Susan Blake, Julie Browne, Stuart Sime Oxford University Press 2013
2 단행본 Jacobs and White, the European Convention on Human Rights 미리보기
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Clare Ovey and Robin White Oxford University Press 2006
3 단행본 Jacobs, White and Ovey:the European Convention on Human Rights 미리보기
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Robin C.A. White and Clare Ovey Oxford University Press 2010
4 단행본 Jahrbuch des Agrarrechts.Bd 7 미리보기
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Christian Calliess, Ines Hartel, Barbara Veit Nomos 2006
5 단행본 Jahrbuch Junger Zivilrechtswissenschaftler 1994:fu@r die gesellschaft Junger zivilrechtswissenschaftler e. 미리보기
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herausgegeben von Peter Krebs ... [et al.] Richard Boorberg 1995
6 단행본 Jahrbuch zur Staats-und Verwaltungswissenschaft.Bd 6 미리보기
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Thomas Ellwein...[et al.] Nomos 1994
7 단행본 Jahrbuch zur Staats-und Verwaltungswissenschaft.Bd 8 미리보기
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Thomas Ellwein...[et al.] Nomos 1996
8 단행본 Jahrbuch zur Staats-und Verwaltungswissenschaft.Bd 9 미리보기
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Thomas Ellwein...[et al.] Nomos 1997
9 단행본 Jailhouse lawyers:prisoners defending prisoners v. the U.S.A. 미리보기
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by Mumia Abu-Jamal ; introduction by Angela Davis City Lights Pub. 2009
10 단행본 James Madison and the struggle for the Bill of Rights 미리보기
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Richard Labunski Oxford University Press 2007
11 단행본 Janner's business law 미리보기
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Greville Janner Gower 1988
12 단행본 Janner's complete product liability:incorporating Peter Madge on product liability insurance 미리보기
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Janner, Greville Gower 1988
13 단행본 Japan data protection law : a practical guide in comparison with GDPR 미리보기
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Toshio Asai CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2018
14 단행본 Japanese Americans:oppression and success 미리보기
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William Petersen Random House 1971
15 단행본 Japanese and European private international law in comparative perspective 미리보기
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edited by Ju@rgen Basedow, Harald Baum and Yuko Nishitani Mohr Siebeck 2008
16 단행본 Japanese law 미리보기
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Hiroshi Oda Oxford University Press 2009
17 단행본 The Japanese mafia:Yakuza, law, and the state 미리보기
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Peter B.E. Hill Oxford University Press 2003
18 단행본 Japanese securities laws and relating orders:Securities and Exchange Law, Law on Foreign Securities Firms, Securities Investment Trust Law 미리보기
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Japan Japan Securities Research Institute 1987
19 단행본 Japanese social consultation against globalization:focused on employment problems at the prefecture level : the cases of Aichi and Saitama 미리보기
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Sang-Hoon Lim Korea Labor Institute 2004
20 단행본 Japanische, deutsche und schwezerische Irrtumsregelungen:ein rechtsvergleichender beitrag zum verhaltnis von verbraucherschutzenden vertragslosungsrechten und allgemeinem vertragsrecht 미리보기
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Sandra Hotz Mohr Siebeck 2007
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