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1 저널기사 Jackknife Instrumental Variables Estimation 미리보기
Angrist, J.D Wiley 1999
2 저널기사 Jackknife Instrumental Variables Estimation 미리보기
Angrist, J. D. WILEY 1999
3 저널기사 Jackknife Instrumental Variables Estimation 미리보기
Angrist, J.D Wiley 1999
4 저널기사 Japanese Managerial and Organizational Learning 미리보기
Keys, J. B. WILEY 1998
5 저널기사 Japan's Financial Deregulation and Linkage of the Gensaki and Euroyen Deposit Markets 미리보기
Lin, W.-L. WILEY 1995
6 저널기사 Jeffrey M. Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach 미리보기
Weeks, M. WILEY 2002
7 저널기사 Jet-Cooked Starch-Oil Composite in Polyurethane Foams 미리보기
Cunningham, R. L Wiley 1997
8 저널기사 Joint Tests for Regularity and Autocorrelation in Allocation Systems 미리보기
Deschamps, P. J. WILEY 1993
9 저널기사 Jordan J. Louviere, David A. Hensher and Joffre D. Swait Stated Choice Methods: Analysis and Application 미리보기
Kuklys, W. WILEY 2002
10 저널기사 Jose Ignacio Lopez de Arriortua 미리보기
Moffett, M. M. WILEY 1999
11 저널기사 Judgemental Adjustment of Initial Forecasts: Its Effectiveness and Biases 미리보기
Lim, J. S. WILEY 1995
12 저널기사 Judgement in learning-curve forecasting: A laboratory study 미리보기
Bailey, Charles D Wiley 1999
13 저널기사 Judging the Accuracy of a Likelihood Judgment: The Case of Smoking Risk 미리보기
Windschitl, P. D. WILEY 2002
14 저널기사 Judging the probability that the next point in an observed time-series will be below, or above 미리보기
Bolger, Fergus Wiley 1995
15 저널기사 Judgmental Forecasts of Time Series Affected by Special Events: Does Providing a Statistical Forecast Improve Accuracy? 미리보기
Goodwin, P. WILEY 1999
16 저널기사 Judgment and Decision Making: Neo-Brunswikian and Process-Tracing Approaches 미리보기
Witteman, C. WILEY 2002
17 저널기사 Judgments of Risk and Probability: The Role of Frequentistic Information 미리보기
Teigen, K. H. WILEY 1999
18 저널기사 Junction Properties of Metal/Polypyrrole Schottky Barriers Published online 8 June 2001/ 미리보기
Abthagir, P S Wiley 2001
19 저널기사 The Judgment-Choice Discrepancy: Noncompatibility or Restructuring? 미리보기
Montgomery, H. WILEY 1994
