1 |
A Jump-Diffusion Model for Option Pricing
Kou, S. G.
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Jackknife Estimator for Tracking Error Variance of Optimal Portfolios
Basak, G.K.; Jagannathan, R.; Ma, T.
Institute of Management Sciences]
3 |
JIT Manufacturing: A Survey of Implementations in Small and Large U.S. Manufacturers
White, Richard E
Institute of Management Sciences
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Job Hopping, Information Technology Spillovers, and Productivity Growth
Tambe, P.; Hitt, L.M.
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Job Mission as a Substitute for Monetary Incentives: Benefits and Limits
Cassar, Lea
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Job Rotation as a Learning Machine/
Ortega, Jaime
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Joint Bidding in the Name-Your-Own-Price Channel: A Strategic Analysis
Amaldoss, W.; Jain, S.
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Joint cost allocation for multiple lots
Balachandran, Bala V
Institute of Management Sciences
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Joint Dynamic Pricing of Multiple Perishable Products Under Consumer Choice
Akcay, Y.; Natarajan, H.P.; Xu, S.H.
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Joint Inventory Replenishment and Component Allocation Optimization in an Assemble-to-Order System
Akcay, Y.; Xu, S. H.
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Joint Panel Sizing and Appointment Scheduling in Outpatient Care
Zacharias, Christos; Armony, Mor
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Joint Production and Pricing Decisions with Setup Costs and Capacity Constraints
Deng, S.; Yano, C. A.
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Judging Borrowers by the Company They Keep: Friendship Networks and Information Asymmetry in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending
Lin, M.; Prabhala, N.R.; Viswanathan, S.
Institute of Management Sciences]
14 |
Judgment Extremity and Accuracy Under Epistemic vs. Aleatory Uncertainty
Tannenbaum, David; Fox, Craig R.; Ülkümen, Gülden
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Jump Bidding Strategies in Internet Auctions
Easley, R. F.; Tenorio, R.
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Jumps in Equity Index Returns Before and During the Recent Financial Crisis: A Bayesian Analysis
Kou, Steven; Yu, Cindy; Zhong, Haowen
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Jumps in High-Frequency Data: Spurious Detections, Dynamics, and News
Bajgrowicz, Pierre; Scaillet, Olivier; Treccani, Adrien
Institute of Management Sciences]
18 |
Justice Under Uncertainty
Cettolin, Elena; Riedl, Arno
Institute of Management Sciences]
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Justification and Interlaced Knowledge at ATLAS, CERN
Tuertscher, P.; Garud, R.; Kumaraswamy, A.
Institute of Management Sciences
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Just Like a Woman? Effects of Gender-Biased Perceptions of Friendship Network Brokerage on Attributions and Performance
Brands, R.A.; Kilduff, M.
Institute of Management Sciences