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1 저널기사 A Kalman Filter-Gravity Equation Approach to Assess the Trade Impact of Economic Integration: The Case of Spain, 1986-1992 미리보기
Sanz, F. unknown 2000
2 저널기사 KADiSH (ALON) and TRIBE(KEITH), (Eds). The Market for Political Economy: The Advent of Economics on British Unoversity Cultur, 1850-1905 미리보기
Groenewegen Peter;; unknown 1995
3 저널기사 KADISH (ALON). Historians, Economists, and Economic History 미리보기
John Maloney ;; unknown 1990
4 저널기사 Kagel, John H., and Alvin R. Roth, eds./The Handbook of Experimental Economics 미리보기
Bergstrom, J. C. unknown 1996
5 저널기사 Kagel (John H.) and Roth (Alvin E.), (Eds). The Handbook of Experimental Economics 미리보기
Hey, J. D.;; unknown 1997
6 저널기사 KAGEL (JOHN H.), BATTALIO (RAYMOND C.) and GREEN (LEONARD). Economic Chioce Theory: An Experimental Analysis of Animal Behaviour 미리보기
Robert Sugden;; unknown 1996
7 저널기사 Kagel (John H.), Battalio (Raymond C.) and Green (Leonard). Economic Choice Theory: An Experimental Analysis of Animal Behaviour 미리보기
Sugden, R. unknown 1996
8 저널기사 KAHN (RICHARD F.). The Making oh Keynes's General Theory 미리보기
E. A. G. Robinson ;; unknown 1985
9 저널기사 KALDOR (NICHOLAS). Economics Without Equilibrium 미리보기
G. C. Harcourt;; unknown 1986
10 저널기사 Kaldor's Growth Theory / 미리보기
Wulwick, Nancy J. unknown 1992
11 저널기사 Kam, Accounting Theory 미리보기
JOHN K. SIMMONS ;; unknown 1987
12 저널기사 KANTH (RAJANI KANNEPALLI). Political Economy nad Laissez- Faire: Economics and Ideology in the Ricardian Era 미리보기
Terry Peach;; unknown 1988
13 저널기사 Kaplan, Advanced Management Accounting 미리보기
14 저널기사 KARNI (EDI). Decision Making under Uncertainty : The Case of State-Dependent Preferences 미리보기
John Hey;; unknown 1986
15 저널기사 KATSENELINBOIGEN (A. I.), MOVSOVICH (S. M.) and OVSIENKO (Iu. V.). Basic Economics and Optimality 미리보기
Francis Seton;; unknown 1989
16 저널기사 KATZNER (DONALD W.). Analysis Without Measurement 미리보기
John D. Hey;; unknown 1984
17 저널기사 Kay (John). Foundations of Corporate Success: How Business Strategies Add Value 미리보기
Rothschild, R. unknown 1996
18 저널기사 KAY (JOHN). Foundations of Corporate Success: How Business Strategies Add Value 미리보기
Robert Rothschild;; unknown 1996
19 저널기사 KAY (JOHN), MAYER (COLIN) and THOMPSON (DAVID), (Eds),Privatisation and Regulation:The UK Experience 미리보기
Shaw, G. K.;; unknown 1987
20 저널기사 Kealey (Terence). The Economic Laws of Scientific Research 미리보기
Stoneman, P.;; unknown 1997
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