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241 저널기사 KADISH (ALON). Historians, Economists, and Economic History 미리보기
John Maloney ;; unknown 1990
242 저널기사 KADOKAWA「所沢キャンパス」が体現する新たなオフィスのあり方 : 働き方とオフィスの変革による2拠点体制の実現 미리보기
渡邉 章央 日本立地センタ 2021
243 저널기사 KADOKAWA「所沢キャンパス」が体現する新たなオフィスのあり方 : 働き方とオフィスの変革による2拠点体制の実現 미리보기
渡邉 章央 日本立地センタ 2021
244 저널기사 K adsorption on Fe(100) studied by X-ray standing waves 미리보기
Ceelen, W. C. A. N North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
245 저널기사 Kaempferide triglycoside: a possible factor of resistance of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi/ 미리보기
Curir, Paolo Pergamon Press 2001
246 저널기사 Kaempferol 3-O-(6"-caffeoylglucoside) from Pteridium aquilinum 미리보기
Imperato, F Pergamon Press 1997
247 저널기사 Kaempferol glycosides from Siparuna apiosyce/ 미리보기
Leitao, Gilda G Pergamon Press 2000
248 저널기사 Kaempferol triosides from Reseda muricata/ 미리보기
El-Sayed, Nabil H Pergamon Press 2001
249 저널기사 KAEPHOS-Chemistry and biological activity 미리보기
Japan plant protection Association 1986
250 저널기사 Kaesong and Thaad: South Korea’s Decisions to Counter the North 미리보기
Leif-Eric Easley American Peace Society 2016
251 저널기사 Kaffeefahrten deutscher Urlauber auf Gran Canaria: Deutscher Verbraucherschutz im Urlaubsgepäck? 미리보기
Taupitz, Jochen Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
252 저널기사 Kaffee-Verkaufsstätte: Werbung mit Preisgegenüberstellungen 미리보기
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1989
253 저널기사 Kafka and the Life of the Letter 미리보기
Dttmann, A. G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
254 단행본 Kafka comes to America:fighting for justice in the war on terror 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Steven T. Wax Other press 2008
255 저널기사 Kafka, genealogy, and the spiritualization of politics. 미리보기
Bennett, Jane. Cambridge University Press
256 저널기사 Kafka in Cairo 미리보기
Helen Fitzwilliam Royal Institute of International Affairs 2017
257 저널기사 Kafka in Saigon 미리보기
Williams, Michael Royal Institute of International Affairs 2015
258 저널기사 Kafkas letzter Prozess 미리보기
Hermann Weber Biederstein 2020
259 저널기사 Kafkas „Strafkolonie“ und die Absurdität der Gerechtigkeitsformeln 미리보기
Benno Heussen Biederstein 2019
260 저널기사 Kagel, John H., and Alvin R. Roth, eds./The Handbook of Experimental Economics 미리보기
Bergstrom, J. C American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
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