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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
10901 저널기사 The kinetics of capital formation and economic organisation 미리보기
Endres, A. M.; Harper, D. A. Oxford University Press 2012
10902 저널기사 The Kinetics of Carbonyl Formation in Asphalt 미리보기
Liu, M American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 1980
10903 저널기사 The Kinetics of Crosslinking in Process of Intumescence of Fireproof Polymer Compositions 미리보기
Gibov, K. M Wiley 1997
10904 저널기사 The kinetics of decomposition of solid solutions 미리보기
Schmelzer, J. Tkatch, Y. J. Slezov, V. V. Chapman and Hall 1997
10905 저널기사 The kinetics of intermixing of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum confined heterostructures 미리보기
Saher Helmy, A American Institute of Physics 1980
10906 저널기사 The Kinetics of L-selectin tethers and the mechanics of selectin-mediated rolling 미리보기
Alon, R Rockefeller University Press 1980
10907 저널기사 The Kinetics of N-Ethylmaleimide Inhibition of a Vacuolar H^+-ATPase andDetermination of Nucleotide Dissociation Constants 미리보기
Hunt, I. E American Society of Plant Physiologists 1980
10908 저널기사 The kinetics of NO and N~2O reduction over coal chars in fluidised-bed combustion 미리보기
Li, Y. H Pergamon Press 1980
10909 저널기사 The kinetics of photosensitized decomposition of ascorbic acid and the determination of hydrogen peroxide as a reaction product 미리보기
Sansal, U Applied Science Publishers 1997
10910 저널기사 The kinetics of polymer brush penetration in to a high molecular weight matrix 미리보기
Clarke, C. J Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1996
10911 저널기사 (The) Kinetics of quiescent and shear-induced crystallization in the injection-molded disks / 미리보기
이병화 忠南大學校 工科大學 産業技術硏究所 1997
10912 저널기사 The Kinetics of Side Chain Stabilization during Protein Folding/ 미리보기
Frieden, C American Chemical Society 2003
10913 저널기사 The kinetics of stress-oriented structural relaxation in metallic glasses 미리보기
Khonik, V. A North-Holland 1980
10914 저널기사 The kinetics of sulfonation and the formation of carboxylate groups during high temperature and short time vapor phase cooking of sulfite-pretreated aspen 미리보기
10915 저널기사 The kinetics of surface segregation in thin films: theoretical considerations and the determination of diffusion data 미리보기
Jaeger, I North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
10916 저널기사 The kinetics of the bimolecular A + B -> O reaction in condensed matter:Effects of non-equilibrium charge screening 미리보기
Kuzovkov, V. N American Institute of Physics 1980
10917 저널기사 The kinetics of the early stage of dispersion polymerization in supercritical CO2 as monitored by turbidimetric measurements, 1 Method/ 미리보기
Fehrenbacher, U Huthig & Wepf 2000
10918 저널기사 The kinetics of the laser induced structural changes in As~2S~3 amorphous films 미리보기
Bertolotti, M North-Holland 1980
10919 저널기사 The kinetics of the reaction CO~2 + H~2O -> H^+ + HCO^-~3 as one of the rate limiting steps for the dissolution of calcite in the system H~2O-CO~2-CaCO~3 미리보기
Dreybrodt, W Pergamon Press 1980
10920 저널기사 The Kinetics of the Stock Markets 미리보기
Hsu, H.; Lin, B.-J. College of Management, National Cheng Kung University 2002
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