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11621 저널기사 The Kenya employment problem (Book Review). 미리보기
Vyas Manhar American Economic Assonication
11622 저널기사 The Kenyan connection Saving the world in his spare time 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2008
11623 저널기사 The Keratinocyte-specific Epstein-Barr Virus ED-L2 Promoter is Regulatedby Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-Acetate through Two cis-Regulatory Elements Containing E-box and Krueppel-like Factor Motifs 미리보기
Jenkins, T. D American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
11624 저널기사 The Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary: Terraqueous Territorialization and Māori Marine Environments. 미리보기
McCormack Fiona University of British Columbia [etc.] 2021
11625 저널기사 The Kernel Based MT Method and Its Application 미리보기
Sano, N.; Kuroki, M. Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2012
11626 저널기사 The kernel-location approach: A new non-parametric approach to the analysis of downward nominal wage rigidity in micro data 미리보기
Knoppik, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
11627 저널기사 The kernel of the Rost invariant, Serre's Conjecture II and the Hasse principle for quasi-split groups ^3^,^6D~4, E~6, E~7/ 미리보기
Chernousov, V J. Springer [etc.] 2003
11628 저널기사 The Kernel Principal Variable Method and Its Application 미리보기
Sano, N.; Kuroki, M. Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2013
11629 저널기사 The Kerry campaign Edging to the middle 미리보기
11630 저널기사 The Kerry Peace Initiative in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: When Hope and Good Intentions Are Not Enough 미리보기
Schiff, Amira Martinus Nijhoff 2018
11631 저널기사 The key accountization of the firm 미리보기
Pardo, Catherine Elsevier North-Holland 1995
11632 저널기사 The Key Accountization of the Firm 미리보기
11633 저널기사 The Key Battleground of the Australian Diverted Profits Tax: The Sufficient Economic Substance Test 미리보기
Bonner, Sarah Kate Tax Analysts 2018
11634 저널기사 The Key BEPS Action Items Causing Discussion in the United States 미리보기
Imke Gerdes;Marc M. Levey;Aliss Mansfield Kluwer Law International
11635 저널기사 The key capabilities required for managing tourism business networks 미리보기
Lemmetyinen, A.; Go, F. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
11636 저널기사 The key commandments for doing business in Russia 미리보기
Fey, C. F.; Shekshnia, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
11637 저널기사 The Key Components of Feng Shui and Their Implications for Marketing 미리보기
Yau, O. H. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
11638 저널기사 The Key Development Goal should be Basic Skills for all Children 미리보기
Hanushek Eric A. ; Wößmann Ludger Ifo-Institut fu@r Wirtschaftsforschung 2015
11639 저널기사 The Keyes of Constitutional Law 미리보기
Driver, Justin School of Jurisprudence of the University of California 2018
11640 저널기사 The key factors of SMEs' resilience based on organisational behaviour theory 미리보기
Joseph Awali Sebuwufu; Binod Timilsina Inderscience Enterprises 2023
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