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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A linear and discrete programming framework for representing qualitative knowledge 미리보기
Hadjiconstantinou, E. ELSEVIER 1994
2 저널기사 Labor markets, migration and welfare: Agriculture in the North-American Free Trade Agreement 미리보기
Levy, S. ELSEVIER 1994
3 저널기사 Labor productivity and the business cycle: Can R.B.C. models be saved? 미리보기
Fairise, X. ELSEVIER 1994
4 저널기사 Labor supply and the welfare costs of marital conflict 미리보기
Maassen van den Brink, H. ELSEVIER 1994
5 저널기사 Labour markets and innovation: Ex-post bargaining 미리보기
Ulph, A. M. ELSEVIER 1994
6 저널기사 Labour's share, market structure and trade unionism 미리보기
Conyon, M. J. ELSEVIER 1994
7 저널기사 Labour supply, tax evasion and the marginal cost of public funds. An empirical investigation 미리보기
Fortin, B. ELSEVIER 1994
8 저널기사 Lack of timeliness and noise as explanations for the low contemporaneous return-earnings association 미리보기
Collins, D. W. ELSEVIER 1994
9 저널기사 Lagged implementation as an element in constitutional strategy 미리보기
Buchanan, J. M. ELSEVIER 1994
10 저널기사 Land assembly and urban renewal 미리보기
O'Flaherty, B. ELSEVIER 1994
11 저널기사 Late forecasts and early revisions of United States GNP 미리보기
Brodsky, N. ELSEVIER 1994
12 저널기사 Learning a mixed strategy equilibrium in the laboratory 미리보기
Bloomfield, R. ELSEVIER 1994
13 저널기사 Learning and technical progress in the commuter aircraft industry: an analysis of Embraer's experience 미리보기
Frischtak, C. R. ELSEVIER 1994
14 저널기사 Learning by trying: the implementation of configurational technology 미리보기
Fleck, J. ELSEVIER 1994
15 저널기사 Learning, convergence, and stability with multiple rational expectations equilibria 미리보기
Evans, G. W. ELSEVIER 1994
16 저널기사 Learning in a search-for-the-best-alternative experiment 미리보기
Slonim, R. ELSEVIER 1994
17 저널기사 Learning in common value auctions: Some initial observations 미리보기
Garvin, S. ELSEVIER 1994
18 저널기사 Learning the preferences of governments and voters from proposed spending and aggregated votes 미리보기
Rothstein, P. ELSEVIER 1994
19 저널기사 Lessons from the East Asian NICs: A contrarian view 미리보기
Young, A. ELSEVIER 1994
20 저널기사 Life-cycle cost analysis of the labor factor 미리보기
Dehlen, P.;Bolmsjoe, G. S. Elsevier 1994
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