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241 연속간행물 Lymphokines 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Pick, Edgar Academic Press 1981-1988
242 저널기사 Lysine 173 Residue within the First Exoloop of Rat Secretin Receptor Is Involved in Carboxylate Moiety Recognition of Asp 3 in Secretin 미리보기
Vilardaga, J. P Academic Press 1980
243 저널기사 Lysophosphatidic Acid Inhibits Epidermal-Growth-Factor-Induced Stat1 Signaling in Human Epidermoid Carcinoma A431 Cells 미리보기
Suzuki, Y Academic Press 1980
244 저널기사 Lysophosphatidylcholine Inhibits NNDA-Induced Currents by a Mechanism Independent of Phospholipase A~2-Mediated Protein Kinase C Activation in Hippocampal Glial Cells 미리보기
Ikeuchi, Y Academic Press 1980
245 저널기사 The L1 Adhesion Molecule Supports ��-Mediated Migration of Human TumorCells and Activated T Lymphocytes 미리보기
Duczmal, A Academic Press 1980
246 저널기사 The Labor Force Participation of Older Americans in 1900: Further Results 미리보기
MARGO, ROBERT A. Academic Press 1993
247 저널기사 The Labor Market and the Distribution of Landholdings in Pre-famine Ireland 미리보기
MCGREGOR, PAT Academic Press 1992
248 저널기사 The Labor Market in Tokugawa Japan: Wage Differentials and the Real Wage Level, 1727-1830 미리보기
Saito, Osamu Academic Press 1978
249 저널기사 The Labor Market of Southern Textile Mill Villages: Some Micro Evidence 미리보기
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM H. Academic Press 1986
250 저널기사 The large perturbation inversion method of 2-D medium parameters 미리보기
Ma, X.-R Academic Press 1980
251 저널기사 The last 7500 cal yr B.P. of westerly rainfall in Central Chile inferred from a high-resolution pollen record from Laguna Aculeo (34degreeS)/ 미리보기
Villa-Martinez, R Academic Press 2003
252 저널기사 The Leptin Receptor Mediates Apparent Autocrine Regulation of Leptin Gene Expression 미리보기
Zhang, Y Academic Press 1980
253 저널기사 The Leu-Enkephalin-Encoding Sequence DNA-Binding Factor (LEF) Is the Transcription Factor YY1 미리보기
Bakalbin, G Academic Press 1980
254 저널기사 The Limitations of an Iodometric Aerobic Assay for Peroxides 미리보기
Gebicki, J. M Academic Press 1980
255 저널기사 The Link between Money and Prices under Different Policy Regimes: The Postwar Hungarian Experience 미리보기
SIKLOS, PIERRE L. Academic Press 1990
256 저널기사 The Lipoic Acid Analogue 1,2-Diselenolane-3-pentanoic Acid Protects Human Low Density Lipoprotein against Oxidative Modification Mediated by Copper Ion 미리보기
Matsugo, S Academic Press 1980
257 저널기사 The (liquid + liquid) critical phenomena of (a polar liquid + ann-alkane) - IV. Coexistence curves of (N,N-dimethylacetamide + nonane) 미리보기
An, X Academic Press 1980
258 저널기사 The Liverpool Emigrant Servant Trade and the Transition to Slave Labor in the Chesapeake, 1697-1707: Market Adjustments to War 미리보기
GRUBB, FARLEY Academic Press 1994
259 저널기사 The Liver-Specific Response to Phenobarbital Involves a Transient Increase in Phosphorylation of a 34-KDA Nuclear Protein in Rat Liver and in Hepatocytes in Culture 미리보기
Baffet, G Academic Press 1980
260 저널기사 The Location of Linear Secular Resonances for Semimajor Axes Smaller Than 2 AU 미리보기
Michel, P Academic Press 1980
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