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1 저널기사 A literature review on the concept of intimacy in nursing/ 미리보기
Williams, Angela Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
2 저널기사 A longitudinal cohort study of burnout and attrition in nursing students/ 미리보기
Deary, I. J Blackwell Scientific Publ 2003
3 저널기사 Language, research and nursing practice/ 미리보기
Bj�rnsdottir, Kristin Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
4 저널기사 Leadership, organizational stress, and emotional exhaustion among hospital nursing staff/ 미리보기
Stordeur, Sabine Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
5 저널기사 Leaf and Stem In Vitro Digestibility for Grasses and Dicotyledons of Meadow Plant Communities in Spring 미리보기
Duru, M Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
6 저널기사 Learning Human Skills - An Experiential and Reflective Guide for Nurses and Health Care Professionals, 4th edition/ 미리보기
Dickinson, J Blackwell Scientific Publ 2004
7 저널기사 Lecture Notes on Paediatrics/ 미리보기
Blackwell Scientific Publ 2003
8 저널기사 Legitimation of nurses' knowledge through policies and protocols in clinical practice/ 미리보기
Manias, Elizabeth Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
9 저널기사 Leuconostoc fallax, an Acid and Ethanol Tolerant Lactic Acid Bacterium 미리보기
Middelhoven, W. J Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
10 저널기사 Levels of compliance shown by hypertensive patients and their attitude toward their illness/ 미리보기
Lahdenper�, Tiina S Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
11 저널기사 Liaison nursing for stroke patients: results of a Dutch evaluation study/ 미리보기
Arts, Suzanne E J Blackwell Scientific Publ 2000
12 저널기사 Life with a rare chronic disease: the scleroderma experience/ 미리보기
Joachim, G Blackwell Scientific Publ 2003
13 저널기사 Lignin and Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Walls of Brown Midrib Mutants of Sorghum, Pearl Millet and Maize Stems 미리보기
Lam, T. B. T Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
14 저널기사 Lignin Impact on Fibre Degradation: 1 - Quinone Methide Intermediates Formed from Lignin During In Vitro Fermentation of Corn Stover 미리보기
Sewalt, V. J. H Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
15 저널기사 Lignin Impact on Fibre Degradation: 2 - A Model Study Using Cellulosic Hydrogels 미리보기
Sewalt, V. J. H Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
16 저널기사 Limitations, frustrations and opportunities: a follow-up study of nursing graduates from the University of Birmingham, England/ 미리보기
Wheeler, Herman H Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
17 저널기사 Lipase-catalysed biosynthesis of hexyl butyrate by direct esterification: optimisation by response surface methodology/ 미리보기
Shaw, J. F Blackwell Scientific Publ 2003
18 저널기사 Liquid Loss as Effected by Post mortem Ultrastructural Changes in Fish Muscle: Cod (Gadus morhua L) and Salmon (Salmo salar) 미리보기
Ofstad, R Blackwell Scientific Publ 1980
19 저널기사 Living and coping with excessive infantile crying/ 미리보기
Long, Tony Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
20 저널기사 Living with post-traumatic stress disorder: the wives'/female partners' perspective/ 미리보기
Lyons, Margaret A Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
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