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1 저널기사 A laboratory-scale cultivation of chlorella and spirulina using waste effluent from a fertilizer company in nigeria 미리보기
Elsevier Applied Science 1996
2 저널기사 A linear programming approach for designing a herbaceous biomass delivery system 미리보기
Cundiff, J. S Elsevier Applied Science 1997
3 저널기사 A Liquid Membrane Approach for Removal of Metallic Species from ResinousExtracts Under Imposed Electrical Fields 미리보기
Figueroa, C. E Elsevier Applied Science 1997
4 저널기사 Laboratory composting of extruded poly(lactic acid) sheets/ 미리보기
Ghorpade, Viswas M Elsevier Applied Science 2001
5 저널기사 Laboratory investigation of ethanol production from municipal primary wastewater solids 미리보기
Cheung, S. W Elsevier Applied Science 1997
6 저널기사 Landfill gas extraction technology: study, simulation and manually controlled extraction 미리보기
Martin, S Elsevier Applied Science 1997
7 저널기사 Large-scale production of eichhornia crassipes on paper industry effluent 미리보기
De Casabianca, M.-L Elsevier Applied Science 1995
8 저널기사 Lignin impact on fiber degradation. IV. Enzymatic saccharification and in vitro digestibility of alfalfa and grasses following selective solvent delignification 미리보기
Sewalt, V. J. H Elsevier Applied Science 1997
9 저널기사 Long-term effects of intercropping and bio-litter recycling on soil biological activity and fertility status of sub-tropical soils/ 미리보기
Manna, M C Elsevier Applied Science 2001
10 저널기사 Low-strength wastewater treatment by a UASB reactor 미리보기
Singh, K. S Elsevier Applied Science 1996
