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Lipid hydrophobicity and physical state effects on the properties of bilayer edible films/
Debeaufort, Fr�d�ric
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co
42 |
Lipid hydrophobicity, physical state and distribution effects on the properties of emulsion-based edible films/
Quezada Gallo, Jes�s-Alberto
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co
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Liquid membrane technology for the separation of racemic mixtures
Keurentjes, J. T. F
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Lithoherms on the Florida-Hatteras slope/
Ussler, W; Paull, C K Neumann, A C; am Ende, B A; Rodriguez, N M
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Lithology of mud breccia clasts from the Mediterranean Ridge
Akhmanov, G. G.
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Livestock production science
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치)
European Association for Animal Production
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Local transport processes in high-flux hollow fiber dialyzers
Wuepper, A
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Longitudinal study of Salmonella enterica in growing pigs reared in multiple-site swine production systems/
Funk, J A
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Long-range transport of 'giant' aeolian quartz grains: linkage with discrete sedimentary sources and implications for protective particle transfer/
Middleton, N J Bull, P A Betzer, P R;
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Longshore realignment of shore-parallel sand-bars at Wanganui, New Zealand/
Bailey, Donald G; Shand, Roger D Shepherd, Mike J
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Loose ultrafiltration of proteins using hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile hollow fiber
Yang, M.-C
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Lower Cretaceous to Eocene sedimentary transverse ridge at the Romanche Fracture Zone and the opening of the equatorial Atlantic/
Ligi, M; von Salis, K Sartori, R; Negri, A; Bonatti, E; Borsetti, A M; Gasperini, L Bernoulli, D;
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Lowstand terraces on Tyrrhenian Sea steep continental slopes
Chiocci, F. L. Orlando, L.
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Low-temperature hydrothermal deposits of Franklin Seamount, Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
Bogdanov, Y. A. Gorshkov, A. I. Binns, R. A. Lisitzin, A. P.
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Luminescence chronology of Late Pleistocene raised beaches in southern Italy: new data of relative sea-level changes/
Hassler, U Mauz, B
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Lupins (L. luteus, L. albus, L. angustifolius) as a protein source for young pigs
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Lymphoid tissue tropism of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication during persistent infection of pigs originally exposed to virus in utero/
Rowland, R. R
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The limitations of using Flory-Huggins equation for the states of solutions during asymmetric hollow-fiber formation
Chung, T.-S
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The live attenuated bovine viral diarrhea virus components of a multi-valent vaccine confer protection against fetal infection/
Kovacs, F
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co