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1 저널기사 A longitudinal examination of internet-based customer service system usage in small companies 미리보기
Palmer, D. W.; Ellinger, A. E.; Allaway, A.; D'Souza, G. EMERALD 2012
2 저널기사 Lacanian psychoanalysis and management research: On the possibilities and limits of convergence 미리보기
Arnaud, G.; Vanheule, S. EMERALD 2013
3 저널기사 Large creditors and corporate governance: the case of Chinese banks 미리보기
Hu, Y.; Li, S.; Lin, T. W.; Xie, S. Emerald 2011
4 저널기사 Late entrant over-the-counter and Rx market entry strategies: An investigation in the pharmaceutical industry 미리보기
Cavusgil, E.; Deligonul, Z. S.; Calantone, R. EMERALD 2011
5 저널기사 Leadership and teams in business: a study of IT projects in the United Arab Emirates 미리보기
Randeree, K.; Ninan, M. EMERALD 2011
6 저널기사 Leadership, empowerment and customer satisfaction in teaching institutions: Case study of a Pakistani University 미리보기
Arif, S.; Ilyas, M. Emerald 2011
7 저널기사 Leadership in global business environment through a vision creation process 미리보기
Karaszewski, R. Emerald 2010
8 저널기사 Leading virtual teams: how do social, cognitive, and behavioral capabilities matter? 미리보기
Mukherjee, D.; Lahiri, S.; Mukherjee, D.; Billing, T. K. EMERALD 2012
9 저널기사 Lean-kaizen public service: an empirical approach in Spanish local governments 미리보기
Barraza, M. F.; Smith, T.; Dahlgaard-Park, S. M. Emerald 2009
10 저널기사 Learning from a failed ERP implementation: a case study research 미리보기
Venugopal, C.; Rao, K. S. EMERALD 2011
11 저널기사 Learning through shared objects in outsourced software development 미리보기
Vakkayil, J. D. EMERALD 2011
12 저널기사 Learning to manage risks in international R&D joint ventures through ownership decisions 미리보기
Elango, B.; Chen, S. EMERALD 2012
13 저널기사 Leveling the Information Playing Field 미리보기
Barron, O. E.; Byard, D.; Enis, C. R. Emerald 2004
14 저널기사 Level-shifts and non-linearity in US financial ratios: Implications for returns predictability and the present value model 미리보기
McMillan, D. G. Emerald 2010
15 저널기사 Lifetime value model in the medical sector: a case study of a restoration and beauty clinic 미리보기
Zare-Hoseini, Z.; Tarokh, M. J.; Nooghabi, H. J. EMERALD 2011
16 저널기사 Linear Versus Non-Linear Relationships Between Financial Ratios and Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence from Egyptian Firms 미리보기
Omran, M.; Ragab, A. Emerald 2004
17 저널기사 Linking power, risk, and governance: a survey research in new product development relationships 미리보기
Bazyar, A.; Teimoury, E.; Fesharaki, M.; Moini, A.; Mohammadi, S. EMERALD 2013
18 저널기사 Linking the unlinked: knowledge-based perspective on non-routine change 미리보기
Ritala, P. EMERALD 2013
19 저널기사 Logistics and transportation information systems in Turkey: e-government perspectives 미리보기
Saatcioglu, O.Y.; Deveci, D.A.; Cerit, A.G. Emerald 2009
20 저널기사 Logistics outsourcing and company performance of SMEs: Evidence from 223 firms operating in Finland 미리보기
Solakivi, T.; Toyli, J.; Engblom, J.; Ojala, L. EMERALD 2011
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