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1 저널기사 Leading the way: the integral role of local government within a multisector partnership delivering a large infrastructure project in an Australian growth region 미리보기
Ollerenshaw, Alison; Murphy, Angela; McDonald, Kelsey Frank Cass 2017
2 저널기사 Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Populations: The Role of English Local Government 미리보기
Monro, S.; Richardson, D. Frank Cass 2014
3 저널기사 Level of services, spatial dependence and allocative efficiency in local governments 미리보기
Vidoli, Francesco; Fusco, Elisa Frank Cass 2018
4 저널기사 Linze Schaap and Harry Daemen, Renewal in European Local Democracies. Puzzles, Dilemmas and Options 미리보기
Torsteinsen, H. Frank Cass 2014
5 저널기사 Local Democracy in a Digital Age: Lessons for Local Government from the Manchester Congestion Charge Referendum 미리보기
Hepburn, P. Frank Cass 2014
6 저널기사 Local elected administrators’ career characteristics and revenue diversification as a managerial strategy 미리보기
Kim, Jungbu Frank Cass 2017
7 저널기사 Local emergency management special issue: a foreword by Dr Barry Quirk CBE 미리보기
Quirk, Barry Frank Cass 2019
8 저널기사 Local emergency management special issue: guest editors' introduction 미리보기
Reinhardt, Gina Yannitell; Drennan, Lex Frank Cass 2019
9 저널기사 Local governance under the Conservatives: super-austerity, devolution and the ‘smarter state’ 미리보기
Lowndes, Vivien; Gardner, Alison Frank Cass 2016
10 저널기사 Local Government and Local Governance: 1944-2011 미리보기
Waterman, C. Frank Cass 2014
11 저널기사 Local Government and Local Governance: 1944–2011 미리보기
Waterman, Chris Frank Cass 2014
12 저널기사 Local government and the arts revisited 미리보기
Gray, Clive Frank Cass 2017
13 저널기사 Local government in Australia: history, theory and public policy, by Bligh Grant and Joseph Drew, Singapore, Springer, 2017, 445 pp., £112 (eBook), ISBN 9789811038679 미리보기
Hollander, Robyn Frank Cass 2017
14 저널기사 Local government in England: centralisation, autonomy and control, by Colin Copus, Mark Roberts and Rachel Wall, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 206 pp., £59.99 (hardback), £47.99 (eBook), ISBN 978-1-137-26417-6 (hardback); 978-1-137-26418-3 (eBook) 미리보기
Eckersley, Peter Frank Cass 2018
15 저널기사 Local government, local legislation: municipal initiative in parliament from 1858–1872, by R.J.B. Morris, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, 251 pp., £110 (hardcover), ISBN 978-1-138-69611-2 미리보기
Leach, Stephen Frank Cass 2017
16 저널기사 Local government reforms: between multifunction and single-purpose organisations 미리보기
Wollmann, Hellmut Frank Cass 2016
17 저널기사 Local government's disaster management capacity and disaster resilience 미리보기
Lee, Dae Woong Frank Cass 2019
18 연속간행물 Local government studies 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
University of Birmingham. Institute of Local Government Studies Frank Cass 1971-
19 저널기사 Local identities and politics: negotiating the old and the new, by Kees Terlouw, Routledge Focus, London, 2017, 139pp., £45 (hbk), ISBN 978-1-138-20925-1; £10.50 (ebk), ISBN 978-1-315-45753-6 미리보기
Paasi, Anssi Frank Cass 2017
20 저널기사 Localism and Accountability in a Post-Collaborative Era: Where Does It Leave the Community Right to Challenge? 미리보기
Jones, T.; Ormston, C. Frank Cass 2014
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