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41 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Gormley, Doris Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
42 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Snowden, Gail Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1995
43 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Clippinger III, John H Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1995
44 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Ford II, Edsel B Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
45 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Notebaert, Richard C Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
46 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Hegarty, Michael Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
47 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Herzlinger, Regina E Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1997
48 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Earle III, Ralph Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1995
49 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Dunlop, John T Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
50 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Pine II, B. Joseph Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
51 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Kierulff, Herbert E Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1995
52 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Cronin, Mary J Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
53 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Archinard, Philippe A Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1997
54 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Fukuyama, Francis Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1997
55 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Rubin, Robert E Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1995
56 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
McCool, R.J Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1996
57 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
McAllister, John P Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1997
58 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Turnbull, Shann Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1995
59 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
Ferrazzi, Keith Edward Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1995
60 저널기사 Letters to the editor 미리보기
von Pierer, Heinrich Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 1997
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