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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 a law entrepreneur: The role of the legal service of the European executives in the invention of EC Law and the birth of the Common Market Law Review 미리보기
Bailleux, J.; Gaudet, M. Kluwer Law International 2013
2 저널기사 Labour Law and Triangular Employment Growth: A Theory of Regulatory Differentials 미리보기
Bartkiw, T.J. Kluwer Law International 2014
3 단행본 Labour law in Belarus 미리보기
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Yaraslau Kryvoi Kluwer Law International 2012
4 단행본 Labour law in China 미리보기
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Ke Chen Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
5 단행본 Labour law in France 미리보기
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Michel Despax, Jacques Rojot, Jean-Pierre Laborde Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
6 단행본 Labour law in Great Britain 미리보기
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Stephen Hardy Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
7 단행본 Labour law in Italy 미리보기
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Tiziano Treu Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
8 단행본 Labour law in Japan 미리보기
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Tadashi A. Hanami, Fumito Komiya Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
9 단행본 Labour law in motion:diversification of the labour force & terms and conditions of employment 미리보기
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editor, Roger Blanpain ; guest editors, Takashi Araki, Shinya Ouchi ; contributors, Takashi Araki ... [et al.] Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2005
10 단행본 Labour law in New Zealand 미리보기
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Gordon Anderson Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011 URL
11 단행본 Labour law in Russia 미리보기
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Zhanna Anatolyevna Gorbacheva Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
12 단행본 Labour law in Slovak Republic 미리보기
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Helena Barancova>, Andrea Olsovska> Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
13 단행본 Labour law in the Netherlands 미리보기
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by Antoine T.J.M. Jacobs Kluwer Law International 2004
14 단행본 Labour law in the USA 미리보기
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Alvin L. Goldman, Roberto L. Corrada Kluwer Law International ; Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers 2011
15 저널기사 Labour Trafficking in China: Analysis and Recommendations 미리보기
Kagan, S. Kluwer Law International 2013
16 단행본 Landmark cases in public international law 미리보기
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editors, Eric Heinze, Malgosia Fitzmaurice Kluwer Law International 1998
17 저널기사 Laval and Trade Union Cooperation: Views on the Mobilizing Potential of the Case 미리보기
Selden, K.L. Kluwer Law International 2014
18 단행본 Law and policy of IMF conditionality 미리보기
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Erik Denters Kluwer Law International 1996
19 단행본 Law, ethics, and the visual arts 미리보기
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John Henry Merryman, Albert E. Elsen, Stephen K. Urice Kluwer Law International: Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Pub. 2007
20 단행본 The law of payment services in the EU:the EC directive on payment services in the internal market 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Despina Mavromati Kluwer Law International ; Turpin Distribution Services 2008
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