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321 저널기사 Linkage isomerism of (diamine)platinum(II) complexes of sulfur-containing ylidenemalonate ligands 미리보기
Kim, K. M. Jun, M. J. Sohn, Y. S. Pergamon Press 1993
322 저널기사 Linked bis-isophthalic acid derivatives as building blocks in the designof self-assembling structures 미리보기
Zafar, A Pergamon Press 1980
323 저널기사 Linking broken character borders with variable sized masks to improve recognition 미리보기
Whichello, A. P Pergamon Press 1980
324 저널기사 Linking Control Systems to Business Unit Strategy 미리보기
Govindarajan, V.;Gupta, A. K. Pergamon Press 1985
325 저널기사 Linking intangible resources and competition 미리보기
Haanes, K. PERGAMON PRESS 2000
326 저널기사 Linking IT and Business Strategy: the Role and Responsibility of Senior Management 미리보기
327 저널기사 Linking metal centres with bis(diphenylphosphino)acetylene (DPPA): syntheses and molecular structures of [{Mo(CO)~4 (�DPPA) }~2] and [{Mo(CO)~3}(�DPPA)~3] 미리보기
Hogarth, G. Norman, T. Pergamon Press 1993
328 저널기사 Linking microscopic and macroscopic data for heterogeneous reactions illustrated by the oxidation of manganese(II) at mineral surfaces 미리보기
Junta-Rosso, J. L Pergamon Press 1980
329 저널기사 Linking nitrogen dynamics to climate variability off central California: a 51 year record based on 15N/14N in CalCOFI zooplankton/ 미리보기
Rau, G. H Pergamon Press 2003
330 저널기사 Linking the balance scorecard to strategy 미리보기
Butler, Alan Pergamon Press 1997
331 저널기사 Linking triangles: synthesis and structure of [Cu3(phen)4(PPh3)](BF4)3X and [Cu5(phen)7](BF4)54(NO2C6H5) (phen=4,7-phenanthroline and X=Et2O or 2 THF)/ 미리보기
Knaust, J. M Pergamon Press 2003
332 저널기사 Links Between Rural Poverty and the Environment in Developing Countries: Asset Categories and Investment Poverty 미리보기
Reardon, T. PERGAMON PRESS 1995
333 저널기사 Link Your Company's Hedging to Raising Your Stock Price 미리보기
334 저널기사 Lipase and protease extraction from activated sludge/ 미리보기
Gessesse, A Pergamon Press 2003
335 저널기사 Lipase-assisted preparation of enantiopure ferrocenyl sulfides possessing planar chirality and their use in the synthesis of chiral sulfoxides 미리보기
Patti, A Pergamon Press 1980
336 저널기사 Lipase-catalysed enantioselective hydrolysis: interpretation of the kinetic results in terms of frontier orbital localisation 미리보기
Parve, O Pergamon Press 1980
337 저널기사 Lipase-catalysed hydrolysis of blackcurrant oil in supercritical carbon dioxide/ 미리보기
Sovova, H Pergamon Press 2003
338 저널기사 Lipase-Catalyzed Chemoselective N-Acylation of Amino-Sugar Derivatives in Hydrophobic Solvent : Acid-Amine Ion-Pair Effects 미리보기
Maugard, T Pergamon Press 1980
339 저널기사 Lipase Catalyzed Dynamic Kinetic Resolution of some 5-Hydroxy-2(5H)-Furanones 미리보기
Thuring, J. W. J. F Pergamon Press 1980
340 저널기사 Lipase-catalyzed efficient kinetic resolution of 3-hydroxy-3-(pentafluorophenyl) propionitrile 미리보기
Sakai, T Pergamon Press 1980
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