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361 저널기사 A Letter from the United States 미리보기
John Philip Jones World advertising research center
362 저널기사 A 'Letter of Understanding' for Unaudited Statements. 미리보기
Fritzemeyer, Jon R.; Carmichael, Douglas R Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
363 저널기사 A letter on full-reserve banking and friedman's rule in Chicago tradition 미리보기
Soldatos, Gerasimos T.; Varelas, Erotokritos Duncker & Humblot 2014
364 저널기사 A letter to AICPA members. 미리보기
Olson, Wallace E Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
365 저널기사 A letter to Baba 미리보기
Shiera S. el-Malik Cambridge University Press 2023
366 저널기사 A Letter to the Editor 미리보기
B. S. Utevskii M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
367 저널기사 A letter to the editor. 미리보기
Glenn, Mark Profile Publishing 2015
368 저널기사 A letter to the profession 미리보기
Richardson, Margaret Milner American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
369 저널기사 A Letter to the Profession: The Internal Revenue Service commissioner says cuts in the agency's budget will inevitably have a negative impact on its customers 미리보기
Richardson, M. M. unknown 1996
370 저널기사 A leucine-rich repeat containing receptor-like kinase marks somatic plant cells competent to form embryos 미리보기
Schmidt, E. D. L Company of Biologists 1980
371 저널기사 A leucine zipper motif determines different functions in a DNA replication protein 미리보기
Garcia de Viedma, D Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
372 저널기사 A leucine zipper stabilizes the pentameric membrane domain of phospholamban and forms a coiled-coil pore structure 미리보기
Simmerman, H. K. B American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
373 저널기사 A Level Set Approach to a Unified Model for Etching, Deposition, and Lithography. III: Redeposition, Reemission, Surface Diffusion, and Complex Simulations 미리보기
Adalsteinsson, D Academic Press 1980
374 저널기사 A Level Set Approach to a Unified Model for Etching, Deposition, and Lithography II: Three-Dimensional Simulations 미리보기
Adalsteinsson, D Academic Press 1980
375 저널기사 A Level Set Formulation of Eulerian Interface Capturing Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flows 미리보기
Chang, Y. C Academic Press 1980
376 저널기사 A level set method for dislocation dynamics/ 미리보기
Xiang, Y Elsevier Science 2003
377 저널기사 A Level Specific Prediction of Spans of Control Examining the Effects of Size, Technology, and Specialization 미리보기
Dewar, Rovert D.;Simet, Donald P. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1981
378 저널기사 A Levinasian ethics critique of the role of management and control systems by large global corporations: The General Electric/Nuovo Pignone example 미리보기
Macintosh, N. B.; Shearer, T.; Riccaboni, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2009
379 저널기사 A Levy-Khinchine Formula for Semigroups and Related Problems: An AdaptedSpaces Approach 미리보기
Atanasiu, D Academic Press 1980
380 저널기사 A Levy process-based framework for the fair valuation of participating life insurance contracts 미리보기
Ballotta, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
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