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44621 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of Early Life Medicaid Coverage 미리보기
Miller, Sarah; Wherry, Laura R. University of Wisconsin Press] 2019
44622 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of Foreign Investment on Local Human Capital: Four American Companies in Spain, 1920s–1970s 미리보기
Núria Puig ; Adoración Álvaro-Moya Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2018
44623 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of Foreign Investment on Local Human Capital: Four American Companies in Spain, 1920s–1970s 미리보기
Núria Puig ; Adoración Álvaro-Moya Cambridge University Press
44624 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of Hedge Fund Activism 미리보기
Bebchuk, Lucian; Brav, Alon; Jiang, Wei Columbia University School of Law 2015
44625 저널기사 The long-term effects of housing assistance on work and welfare 미리보기
Newman, S.; Holupka, C. S.; Harkness, J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
44626 저널기사 The long-term effects of information security e-learning on organizational learning 미리보기
Hagen, J.; Albrechtsen, E.; Johnsen, S. O. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
44627 저널기사 The long-term effects of job search requirements: Evidence from the UK JSA reform 미리보기
Petrongolo, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
44628 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of Management and Technology Transfers 미리보기
Giorcelli, Michela American Economic Association 2019
44629 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of Parental Divorce on the Mental Health of Young Adults: A Developmental Perspective 미리보기
Chase-Lansdale, P. L Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development [etc. 1980
44630 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of Public Housing on Self-Sufficiency 미리보기
Newman, S. J.; Harkness, J. M. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2002
44631 저널기사 The long-term effects of sales promotions on brand attitude across monetary and non-monetary promotions 미리보기
Yi, Y.; Yoo, J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2011
44632 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of the Printing Press in sub-Saharan Africa 미리보기
Cagé, Julia; Rueda, Valeria American Economic Association 2016
44633 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of the Rwandan Genocide on Child Work 미리보기
University of Chicago Press 2023
44634 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of UI Extensions on Employment 미리보기
Schmieder, J.F.; von Wachter, T.; Bender, S. American Economic Association 2012
44635 저널기사 The Long-Term Effects of Universal Preschool in Boston* 미리보기
Gray-Lobe G ; Pathak PA ; Walters CR Published for Harvard University by the MIT Press [etc.] 2023
44636 저널기사 The long-term effects on children and adolescents of a policy providing work supports for low-income parents 미리보기
Huston, A. C.; Gupta, A. E.; Walker, J. T.; Dowsett, C. J.; Epps, S. R.; Imes, A. E.; McLoyd, V. C. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2011
44637 저널기사 The long-term energy transition and multinational enterprise complexity: A BJM–JIBS Joint Initiative 미리보기
Alain Verbeke Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
44638 저널기사 The long-term energy transition: Drivers, outcomes, and the role of the multinational enterprise 미리보기
A. Erin Bass ; Birgitte Grøgaard Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
44639 저널기사 The long-term erosion of repeat-purchase loyalty 미리보기
Dawes, John G.; Graham, Charles; Trinh, Giang Emerald Group Publishing Limited
44640 저널기사 The long-term evolution of vertically-related industries 미리보기
Bonaccorsi, A. ELSEVIER 2001
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