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44661 저널기사 The long-term reform in the Netherlands: what is the scientific rational for the WMO? 미리보기
Broeckaert, I. F.; van Loenen, W.; Overduin, T.; Vincent, M. J.; van der Meer, N. J.; van der Voort, P. H. Elsevier : Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 2016
44662 저널기사 The long-term reform of the water and wastewater industry: The case of Melbourne in Australia 미리보기
Abbott, M.; Wang, W. C.; Cohen, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
44663 저널기사 The long-term salinity field in San Francisco Bay 미리보기
Uncles, R. J Pergamon Press 1980
44664 저널기사 The Long-Term Stability and Predictive Validity of Trait Measures of Affect 미리보기
Watson, D American Psychological Association 1980
44665 저널기사 The long-term stability of the boreal forest limit in subarctic Quebec 미리보기
Lavoie, C Ecological Society of America, etc.] 1980
44666 저널기사 The Long-Term Struggle for Violence against Women Legislation: The Guatemalan Women's Movement and the Politics of Patience 미리보기
Erin Beck Cambridge University Press for the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political Science Association 2022
44667 저널기사 The long-term sucCESs of the neoclassical growth model 미리보기
Klump, R.; McAdam, P.; Willman, A. Oxford University Press 2007
44668 저널기사 The Long-Term Tort: In Search of a New Causation Framework for Natural Resource Damages 미리보기
Knudsen, S.H. Northwestern University School of Law 2014
44669 저널기사 The long-term viability of US wine grape vineyards: assessing vineyard labour costs for future technology development 미리보기
McCorkle, Dean A.; Dudensing, Rebekka M.; Hanselka, Dan D.; Hellman, Ed W. Inderscience Enterprises 2019
44670 저널기사 The long-term X-ray lightcurve of RX J 0527.8-6954 미리보기
Greiner, J Springer-Verlag 1996
44671 저널기사 The Long-Time Behavior of Initially Separated A + B->0 Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Arbitrary Diffusion Constants 미리보기
Koza, Z. Plenum Press 1996
44672 저널기사 The long time tail of molecular velocity correlation in a confined fluid: observation by modulated gradient spin-echo NMR/ 미리보기
Stepisnik, Janez North-Holland 2000
44673 저널기사 The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times by Giovanni Arrighi 미리보기
Ingham, G University of Chicago Press 1980
44674 저널기사 The Long Twilight of Gold: How a Pivotal Practice Persisted in the Assemblage of Money 미리보기
Nicolas Jabko ; Sebastian Schmidt Cambridge University Press 2022
44675 저널기사 The Long View of Terrorism The deep roots of extremist violence make military responses in most cases ineffective 미리보기
Crenshaw, M. Events Pub. Co 2014
44676 저널기사 The Long Wait for an Improbable Death: A Look at Delays in Executions in Kansas and Possible Reforms to Capital Punishment 미리보기
Memmer, Amy M.; Worsley, Melanie K.; Rowe, Brenda I. Thomson Reuters/West 2019
44677 저널기사 The long wave cycle (Book Review). 미리보기
Stolper Wolfgang K American Economic Assonication
44678 저널기사 The long wave in economic life (Book Review). 미리보기
Mensch Gerhard O American Economic Assonication
44679 저널기사 The Long-Wave Limit for the Water Wave Problem I. The Case of Zero Surface Tension/ 미리보기
Schneider, G Interscience Publishers 2000
44680 저널기사 The Long Wave Revisited 미리보기
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