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44801 저널기사 The lower C~2~v potential energy surfaces of the singlet states of H~2O:A computational study 미리보기
Schneider, F American Institute of Physics 1980
44802 저널기사 The Lower Main Sequence of omega Centauri from Deep Hubble Space Telescope Nicmos Near-Infrared Observations 미리보기
Pulone, L Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
44803 저널기사 The Lower-Risk Startup: How Venture Capitalists Increase the Odds of Startup Success 미리보기
Teten, D.; AbdelFattah, A.; Bremer, K.; Buslig, G. Institutional Investor 2013
44804 저널기사 The Lower Semicontinuity of Optimal Solution Sets 미리보기
Zhao, J Academic Press 1980
44805 저널기사 The lowest-lying electronic states of BeMg 미리보기
Borin, A. C North Holland 2003
44806 저널기사 The lowest of the strongly infrared-active vibrations of the fulleranes and an astronomical emission band at a wavelength of 21 � 미리보기
Webster, A Priestley and Weale 1980
44807 저널기사 The lowest singlet and triplet electronic states of NiC revised/ 미리보기
Borin, A. C North Holland 2004
44808 저널기사 The low-frequency allele of the platelet collagen signaling receptor glycoprotein VI is associated with reduced functional responses and expression/ 미리보기
Joutsi-Korhonen, L W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
44809 저널기사 The low-frequency dielectric properties of octopus arm muscle measured in vivo 미리보기
Hart, F. X Institute of Physics in association with the American Institute of Physics and the American Associat 1980
44810 저널기사 The low frequency facility Fabry-Perot cavity used as a speed-meter/ 미리보기
Dattilo, V.; Fidecaro, F. Bradaschia, C.; Braccini, S.; Di Virgilio, A. Cuoco, E.; Ballardin, G.; Cella, G.; Ferrante, I.; Fazzi, M.; North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
44811 저널기사 The Low-Frequency Impedance of Anodically Dissolving Semiconductor and Metal Electrodes. A Common Origin? 미리보기
Erne, B. H Electrochemical Society 1980
44812 저널기사 The low-frequency transport in the Santa Barbara Channel: description and forcing 미리보기
Auad, G Pergamon Press 1980
44813 저널기사 The low frequency vibrations in clathrate hydrates 미리보기
Tse Shpakov, J. S. V. P American Institute of Physics 1980
44814 저널기사 The low gonadotropin-independent constitutive production of testicular testosterone is sufficient to maintain spermatogenesis/ 미리보기
Zhang, F.-P National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
44815 저널기사 The low-income housing market in Jordan 미리보기
Al-Homoud, M.; Al-Oun, S.; Al-Hindawi, A.-M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
44816 저널기사 The low Irish corporate tax rate could be at risk after the Apple ruling 미리보기
Kaffash, Jaimie Accountancy 2017
44817 저널기사 The low-level radial velocity variability in Barnard's star (= GJ 699). Secular acceleration, indications for convective redshift, and planet mass limits/ 미리보기
Kurster, M Springer-Verlag 2003
44818 저널기사 The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Siting Process in Connecticut: Anatomy of a Failure 미리보기
44819 저널기사 The low-lying electronic states of CoF 미리보기
Ram, R. S American Institute of Physics 1980
44820 저널기사 The low-lying electronic states of CrF and CrCl: Analysis of the A ^6�+->X ^6�+ system of CrCl 미리보기
Bencheikh, M American Institute of Physics 1980
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