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44861 저널기사 The LP-MOCVD of CdS/Bi2S3 bilayers using single-molecule precursors/ 미리보기
Park, J. H.; Trindade, T.; O'Brien, P. Monteiro, O. C. North-Holland 2004
44862 저널기사 The LSE ditches its merger plan 미리보기
44863 저널기사 The L-Selectin Antibody FMC46 Mediates Rapid, Transient Increase in Intracellular Calcium in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and Daudi Lymphoma Cells 미리보기
Po, J. L Academic Press 1980
44864 저널기사 The "LSGGQ" Motif in Each Nucleotide-binding Domain of Human P-glycoprotein Is Adjacent to the Opposing Walker A Sequence 미리보기
Loo, T. W.; Bartlett, M. C.; Clarke, D. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
44865 저널기사 The LSI or DCA decision: investing strategies for the lump sum averse 미리보기
Payne, B.C.; Bredthauer, J. Inderscience Enterprises 2013
44866 저널기사 The ‘modern’ view of macroeconomics: some critical reflections 미리보기
Palacio-Vera, A. Oxford University Press 2005
44867 저널기사 The LSW Model for Domain Coarsening: Asymptotic Behavior for Conserved Total Mass/ 미리보기
Niethammer, Barbara Pego, Robert L Plenum Press 2001
44868 저널기사 The Lucas critique and the stability of empirical models 미리보기
Lubik, T. A.; Surico, P. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2010
44869 저널기사 The Lucas Critique and the Volcker Deflation. 미리보기
Blanchard Olivier J. American Economic Assonication
44870 저널기사 The Lufthansa School of Business and the London Business School General Management Programme 미리보기
Stewart-Allen, A.; Christ, M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
44871 저널기사 The Lu-Hf dating of garnets and the ages of the Alpine high-pressure metamorphism 미리보기
Duchene, S Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
44872 저널기사 The Lu-Hf isotope geochemistry of chondrites and the evolution of the mantle-crust system 미리보기
Blichert-Toft, J North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
44873 저널기사 The Lulling Effect: The Impact of Child-Resistant Packaging on Aspirin and Analgesic Ingestions. 미리보기
Viscusi W. Kip American Economic Assonication
44874 저널기사 The Lumbar Puncture for Diagnosis of Pediatric Neurotransmitter Diseases/ 미리보기
Hyland, K Little, Brown and Co.] 2003
44875 저널기사 The Lumbar Vertebral Body and Diskovertebral Junction: Radio Imaging Anatomic Correlations/ 미리보기
Berg, Bruno C Vande W.B. Saunders 2000
44876 저널기사 The Lumenal Domain of Sec63p Stimulates the ATPase Activity of BiP and Mediates BiP Recruitment to the Translocon in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 미리보기
Corsi, A. K Rockefeller University Press 1980
44877 저널기사 The luminal domain of ATF6 senses endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and causes translocation of ATF6 from the ER to the Golgi 미리보기
Chen, X.; Shen, J.; Prywes, R. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
44878 저널기사 The luminal helix l of PsaB is essential for recognition of plastocyanin or cytochrome c~6 and fast electron transfer to photosystem I in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 미리보기
Sommer, F.; Drepper, F.; Hippler, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
44879 저널기사 The Luminescence of Mn^2^+-Activated ZnGa~2O~4 미리보기
Poort, S. H. M Electrochemical Society 1980
44880 저널기사 The luminescence of PbS nanoparticles embedded in sol-gel silica glass 미리보기
Yang, Ping North Holland 2001
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