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561 저널기사 A linear signal decomposition approach to affine invariant contour identification 미리보기
Cyganski, D Pergamon Press 1980
562 저널기사 A linear spatially distributed model for a surface rainfall-runoff system 미리보기
Wang, G.-T Elsevier, etc 1980
563 저널기사 A Linear Stability Analysis of Cavitation in a Finite Blade Count Impeller/ 미리보기
Horiguchi, Hironori American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
564 저널기사 A linear stability analysis of tidally generated sand waves/ 미리보기
Gerkema, T Cambridge University Press [etc.] 2000
565 저널기사 A Linear Theory for Ekman's Boundary Layer According to a Triple 미리보기
Kharab, D. R Wiley 1980
566 저널기사 A linear time-of-flight mass analyzer for thermal ionization cavity mass spectrometry/ 미리보기
Wayne, David M Pergamon Press 2001
567 저널기사 A linear two-state model with complex dynamics/ 미리보기
Elston, Timothy C North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
568 저널기사 A Linear Viscoelastic Biphasic Model for Soft Tissues Based on the Theory of Porous Media/ 미리보기
Ehlers, Wolfgang American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
569 저널기사 A linear X-ray structure in the cluster A399: evidence of a past interaction with A401 미리보기
Fabian, A. C Priestley and Weale 1980
570 저널기사 A LINE-like transposable element in Drosophila, the I factor, encodes a protein with properties similar to those of retroviral nucleocapsids 미리보기
Dawson, A Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
571 저널기사 A Line-of-Sight Integration Approach to Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies 미리보기
Seljak, U Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
572 저널기사 A Lingering Question of Priorities: Athletic Budgets and Academic Performance Revisited 미리보기
Meier, K. J.; Eller, W. S.; Marchbanks, M. P.; Robinson, S.; Polinard, J. L.; Wrinkle, R. D. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
573 저널기사 A lingering shutdown will bleed into adland: Agencies could run into cash-flow, staffing issues if government can't get act together 미리보기
Bruell, Alexandra Crain Communications 2013
574 저널기사 A Linguistic-Literary Approach to Ch'ien Chung-shu's Novel "Wei-ch'eng" 미리보기
HU, DENNIS T. Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1978
575 저널기사 A linguistic model of art history/ 미리보기
Bergesen, Albert J Mouton 2000
576 저널기사 A linguistic ontology 미리보기
Dahlgren, K Academic Press 1980
577 저널기사 A linguistic TOPSIS model to evaluate the sustainability of renewable energy options 미리보기
Doukas, H.; Karakosta, C.; Psarras, J. Unesco; 1999 2009
578 저널기사 A linkage between Internet use and tourism activities 미리보기
Chen, Chiang-Ming; Lai, Fav-Tsoin; Hua, Kuo-Ting Channel View Books 2019
579 저널기사 A linkage map for the hybridising toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata (Anura: Discoglossidae)/ 미리보기
Nurnberger, B Oliver and Boyd 2003
580 저널기사 A Link-Based Differential Complementarity System Formulation for Continuous-Time Dynamic User Equilibria with Queue Spillbacks 미리보기
Ma, Rui; Ban, Xuegang; Pang, Jong-Shi Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS 2018
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