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821 저널기사 A Longitudinal Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Adult Men with Histories of Delayed Puberty 미리보기
Finkelstein, J. S Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co 1980
822 저널기사 A longitudinal examination of customer commitment and loyalty 미리보기
Bart Lariviere; Timothy L. Keiningham; Bruce Cooil; Lerzan Aksoy; Edward C. Malthouse Emerald Group Publishing Limited
823 저널기사 A longitudinal examination of customer commitment and loyalty 미리보기
Bart Lariviere; Timothy L. Keiningham; Bruce Cooil; Lerzan Aksoy; Edward C. Malthouse Emerald Group Publishing Limited
824 저널기사 A Longitudinal Examination of How Champions Influence Others to Support Their Projects 미리보기
825 저널기사 A longitudinal examination of intellectual capital reporting in Marks & Spencer annual reports, 1978-2008 미리보기
Campbell, D.; Abdul Rahman, M. R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2010
826 저널기사 A longitudinal examination of internet-based customer service system usage in small companies 미리보기
Palmer, D. W.; Ellinger, A. E.; Allaway, A.; D'Souza, G. EMERALD 2012
827 저널기사 A Longitudinal Examination of the Appraisal Smoothing Hypothesis 미리보기
828 저널기사 A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Early Influences and Midlife Characteristics on Successful Aging 미리보기
Pruchno, R. A.; Wilson-Genderson, M. Gerontological Society of America 2015
829 저널기사 A Longitudinal Examination of the Social-Cognitive Model Applied to High School Girls' Choices of Nontraditional College Majors and Aspirations/ 미리보기
Nauta, M. M American Psychological Association 2003
830 저널기사 A longitudinal examination of the work-nonwork boundary strength construct 미리보기
Hecht, T. D.; Allen, N. J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
831 저널기사 A longitudinal experimental study on the interaction effects of persuasion quality, user training, and first-hand use on user perceptions of new information technology 미리보기
Lee, G.; Xia, W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
832 저널기사 A longitudinal field assessment of employee perceptions of equitable treatment 미리보기
Michael R. Carrell Academic Press 1978
833 저널기사 A Longitudinal Field Investigation of Gender Differences in Individual Technology Adoption Decision-Making Processes 미리보기
Venkatesh, V. ACADEMIC PRESS INC 2000
834 저널기사 A longitudinal investigation of duration and temporal variability in children's speech production 미리보기
Smith, B. L American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
835 저널기사 A Longitudinal Investigation of Task Characteristics Relationships 미리보기
Griffin, Ricky W. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1981
836 저널기사 A longitudinal look at rural consumer adoption of online shopping 미리보기
Lennon, S. J.; Kim, M.; Johnson, K. K.; Jolly, L. D.; Damhorst, M. L.; Jasper, C. R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2007
837 저널기사 A Longitudinal Model of Continued IS Use: An Integrative View of Four Mechanisms Underlying Postadoption Phenomena 미리보기
Kim, S. S.; Malhotra, N. K. Institute of Management Sciences] 2005
838 저널기사 A Longitudinal Model to Decompose the Effects of an Advertising Stimulus on Family Consumption 미리보기
Russell S. Winer I N F O R M S
839 저널기사 A Longitudinal, Multilevel Study of Leadership Efficacy Development in MBA Teams 미리보기
Quigley, N.R. Academy of Management 2013
840 저널기사 A longitudinal panel study on antecedents and outcomes of work-home interference 미리보기
Steinmetz, H.; Frese, M.; Schmidt, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2008
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