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141 저널기사 A Large-Domain Approach for Calculating Ship Boundary Layers and Wakes and Wave Fields for Nonzero Froude Number 미리보기
Tahara, Y Academic Press 1980
142 저널기사 A large earthquake occurring 700-800 years ago in Aialik Bay, southern coastal Alaska 미리보기
Mann, D. H National Research Council Canada 1980
143 저널기사 A large ephemeral release of nitrogen upon wetting of dry soil and corresponding root responses in the field 미리보기
Cui, M M. Nijhoff 1980
144 저널기사 A large factor model for forecasting macroeconomic variables in South Africa 미리보기
Gupta, R.; Kabundi, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
145 저널기사 A Large Family of Putative Transmembrane Receptors Homologous to the Product of the Drosophila Tissue Polarity Gene frizzled 미리보기
Wang, Y American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
146 저널기사 A Large Format Modified TEA CO~2 Laser Based Process for Cost-effective Small Via Generation 미리보기
147 저널기사 A Large Gas-Phase Stripping Device to Investigate Rates of PAH Evaporation from Airborne Diesel Soot Particles 미리보기
Kamens, R. M American Chemical Society 1980
148 저널기사 A Large Hilbert space QRPA and RQRPA Calculation of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay 미리보기
Simkovic, F Plenum Press 1980
149 저널기사 A large multi-center study of the electroejaculation procedure./ 미리보기
Pagani, R L American Fertility Society [etc.] 2001
150 저널기사 A Large Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Family with Clinical Expression Suggestive of Anticipation 미리보기
Giraud, S Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co 1980
151 저널기사 A large nonequilibrium effect of decrease of the bimolecular chemical reaction rate in a dilute gas/ 미리보기
Cukrowski, A. S North Holland 2003
152 저널기사 A large nucleoprotein assembly at the ends of the viral DNA mediates retroviral DNA integration 미리보기
Wei, S.-Q Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
153 저널기사 A Large Photodissociation Region Around the Cold, Unusual Cloud G216-2.5 미리보기
Williams, J. P Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
154 저널기사 A large polar crown coronal mass ejection and a "problem" goemagnetic storm: April 14-23, 1994 미리보기
McAllister, A. H William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
155 저널기사 A Large Protein Complex Containing the Yeast Sin3p and Rpd3p Transcriptional Regulators 미리보기
Kasten, M. M American Society for Microbiology 1980
156 저널기사 A large-scale ab initio study on the spectroscopy and dynamics of the A^2II-X^2�+ system of NO^2^+ 미리보기
Bennett, F. R. North Holland 1996
157 저널기사 A Large-Scale Aerial Photoghraphic Technique fur Measuring Tree Heights on Long-Term Forest Installations 미리보기
Kovats, M American Society of Photogrammetry 1980
158 저널기사 A large scale analysis of threats to the nesting sites of Podocnemis species and the effectiveness of the coverage of these areas by the Brazilian Action Plan for Amazon Turtle Conservation 미리보기
Camila Kurzmann Fagundes ; Franciele Fath ; Lara Gomes Côrtes ; Vívian Uhlig ; Paulo César Machado Andrade ; Richard Carl Vogt ; Juarez Carlos Brito Pezzuti ; Paulo De Marco Júnior Urban & Fischer 2021
159 저널기사 A large-scale and long-time molecular dynamics study of supercritical Lennard-Jones fluid. An analysis of high temperature clusters 미리보기
Yoshii, N American Institute of Physics 1980
160 저널기사 A Large-Scale CO Survey Toward W~3, W~4, and W~5 미리보기
Digel, S. W Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
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