70001 |
The moderating effect of supply chain role on the relationship between supply chain practices and performance: An empirical analysis
Cook, L. S.; Heiser, D. R.; Sengupta, K.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
70002 |
The moderating effect of the business strategic orientation on eCommerce adoption: Evidence from UK family run SMEs
Wang, Y.; Ahmed, P. K.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
70003 |
The moderating effect of voluntary disclosure on the relation between earnings quality and information asymmetry: some Canadian evidence
Cormier, D.; Ledoux, M.-J.; Magnan, M.
70004 |
The Moderating Effects of Cognitive Appraisal Processes on Self-Attribution of Responsibility/
Lalwani, Neal
V.H. Winston [etc.]
70005 |
The moderating effects of competitiveness and technological turbulence on the interaction between relational competence and knowledge generation
Jardim, William Carvalho; Wegner, Douglas; Ladeira, Wagner Junior
Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of the Operational Research Society
70006 |
The moderating effects of customer driven complexity on the structure and growth relationship in young firms
Chowdhury, S.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
70007 |
The moderating effects of decision-making preferences on M&A integration speed and performance
Uzelac, Borislav; Bauer, Florian; Matzler, Kurt; Waschak, Melanie
70008 |
The moderating effects of external monitors on the relationship between R&D spending and firm performance
Le, S. A.; Walters, B.; Kroll, M.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
70009 |
The moderating effects of home region orientation on R&D investment and international SME performance: Lessons from Korea
Lee, I. H.; Marvel, M. R.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
70010 |
The Moderating Effects of Learning Style and the Acquisition of Product Information on the Limits of Price Acceptability
Adaval, R.;Monroe, K. B.
Association for Consumer Research
70011 |
The moderating effects of market orientation and launch proficiency on the product advantage?performance relationship
Hsieh, M. H.; Tsai, K. H.; Wang, J. R.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
70012 |
The Moderating Effects of Message Framing and Source Credibility on the Price-perceived Risk Relationship
Grewal, D.
70013 |
The moderating effects of organizational culture on the relationships between leadership behaviour and organizational commitment and between organizational commitment and job satisfaction and performance
Yiing, L. H.; Ahmad, K. Z.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
70014 |
The Moderating Effects of Past Experience on Behavioral Intentions
Kidwell, B.; Jewell, R. D.
Association for Consumer Research
70015 |
The moderating effects of personality on work-family conflicts and stress among Malaysian working parents
Ramos, H.M.; Mustafa, M.; Chin, M.L.C.
Inderscience Enterprises
70016 |
The moderating effects of political skill on the perceived politics-outcome relationships
Brouer, R. L.; Harris, K. J.; Kacmar, K. M.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
70017 |
The moderating effects of product involvement on situational brand choice
Xue, F.
Grayson Associates
70018 |
The moderating effects of size, manager tactics and involvement on strategy implementation in foodservice
Harrington, R. J.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
70019 |
The moderating effects of strategy, visibility, and involvement on allocation behavior: An extension of staw's escalation paradigm
Edward J. Conlon; Gerrit Wolf
Academic Press
70020 |
The moderating effects of supplier portfolio characteristics on the competitive performance impacts of supplier-facing process capabilities
Tang, X.; Rai, A.
Executive Sciences Institute