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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
321 저널기사 Minimal Model for Beta Relaxation in Viscous Liquids/ 미리보기
Dyre, J. C American Physical Society 2003
322 저널기사 Minimal Model of Prey Localization through the Lateral-Line System/ 미리보기
Franosch, J.-M. P American Physical Society 2003
323 저널기사 Minimal SO(10) Unification 미리보기
Barr, S. M American Physical Society 1980
324 저널기사 Mirror Domain Structures Induced by Interlayer Magnetic Wall Coupling/ 미리보기
Lew, W. S American Physical Society 2003
325 저널기사 Mirror Symmetry Up to the Band Termination in ^4^9Mn and ^4^9Cr 미리보기
O'Leary, C. D American Physical Society 1980
326 저널기사 Mirror Symmetry via Deformation of Bundles on K3 Surfaces 미리보기
Perevalov, E American Physical Society 1980
327 저널기사 Missing Isoscalar Monopole Strength in ^5^8Ni 미리보기
Youngblood, D. H American Physical Society 1980
328 저널기사 Mixed Alkali Effect in Crystals of � and �-Alumina Structure 미리보기
Meyer, M American Physical Society 1980
329 저널기사 Mixed Alkali Effect in Glasses/ 미리보기
Swenson, J American Physical Society 2003
330 저널기사 Mixed Phase of a Longitudinal Ferromagnetism and a Transverse Antiferromagnetism in a Site-Random Heisenberg Model 미리보기
Matsubara, F American Physical Society 1980
331 저널기사 Mixed State Geometric Phases, Entangled Systems, and Local Unitary Transformations/ 미리보기
Ericsson, M American Physical Society 2003
332 저널기사 Mixed-State Hall Effect in YBa~2Cu~3O~y/PrBa~2Cu~3O~y Superlattices 미리보기
Wang, L. M American Physical Society 1980
333 저널기사 Mixed State of a Dirty Two-Band Superconductor: Application to MgB~2/ 미리보기
Koshelev, A. E American Physical Society 2003
334 저널기사 Mixing and Condensation in a Wet Granular Medium/ 미리보기
Geromichalos, D American Physical Society 2003
335 저널기사 Mixing and Thermal Equilibrium in the Dynamical Relaxation of a Vortex Ring 미리보기
Chen, P American Physical Society 1980
336 저널기사 Mixing as an Aggregation Process/ 미리보기
Villermaux, E American Physical Society 2003
337 저널기사 Mixing Effects for the Structural Relaxation in Binary Hard-Sphere Liquids/ 미리보기
Foffi, G American Physical Society 2003
338 저널기사 Mixing-Induced CP Asymmetries in Radiative B Decays in and beyond the Standard Model 미리보기
Atwood, D American Physical Society 1980
339 저널기사 Mixing of Longitudinal and Transverse Dynamics in Liquid Water 미리보기
Sampoli, M American Physical Society 1980
340 저널기사 Mn Self-Diffusion in Single Grain Icosahedral Al~7~0Pd~2~1~.~5Mn~8~.~5 Quasicrystals 미리보기
Sprengel, W American Physical Society 1980
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