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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
401 저널기사 Monte Carlo Solution to the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov Equation for Resummation in Perturbative QCD 미리보기
Schmidt, C. R American Physical Society 1980
402 저널기사 Monte Carlo Studies of Helicity Modulus and Heat Capacity of a Coupled XY Model in Two Dimensions 미리보기
Jiang, I. M American Physical Society 1980
403 저널기사 Monte Carlo Study of Correlations in Quantum Spin Ladders 미리보기
Greven, M American Physical Society 1980
404 저널기사 Monte Carlo Study of the Widom-Rowlinson Fluid Using Cluster Methods 미리보기
Johnson, G American Physical Society 1980
405 저널기사 Moore, Knauer, and Meyerhofer Reply 미리보기
Moore, C. I American Physical Society 1980
406 저널기사 Morphological and Compositional Evolution of the Ge/Si(001) Surface During Exposure to a Si Flux/ 미리보기
Rastelli, A American Physical Society 2003
407 저널기사 Morphological Evolution of Strained Films by Cooperative Nucleation 미리보기
Jesson, D. E American Physical Society 1980
408 저널기사 Morphological Instabilities in a Growing Yeast Colony: Experiment and Theory 미리보기
Sams, T American Physical Society 1980
409 저널기사 Morphology and Scaling of Impact Craters in Granular Media/ 미리보기
Walsh, A. M American Physical Society 2003
410 저널기사 Morphology and Stability of Growing Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes 미리보기
Kwon, Y.-K American Physical Society 1980
411 저널기사 Morphology-Induced Oscillations of the Magnetic Anisotropy in Ultrathin Co Films 미리보기
Weber, W American Physical Society 1980
412 저널기사 Morphology of Pores and Interfaces and Mechanical Behavior of Nanocluster-Assembled Silicon Nitride Ceramic 미리보기
Kalia, R. K American Physical Society 1980
413 저널기사 Morphology Response to Strain Field Interferences in Stacks of Highly Ordered Quantum Dot Arrays/ 미리보기
Heidemeyer, H American Physical Society 2003
414 저널기사 Morphology Transition and Layer-by-Layer Growth of Rh(111) 미리보기
Tsui, F American Physical Society 1980
415 저널기사 Motional Narrowing in Semiconductor Microcavities 미리보기
Whittaker, D. M American Physical Society 1980
416 저널기사 Motion Induced Radiation from a Vibrating Cavity 미리보기
Lambrecht, A American Physical Society 1980
417 저널기사 Motion of an Adhesive Gel in a Swelling Gradient: A Mechanism for Cell Locomotion/ 미리보기
Joanny, J.-F American Physical Society 2003
418 저널기사 Motion of an Asymmetric Ferrofluid Drop under a Homogeneous Time-Dependent Magnetic Field 미리보기
Elias, F American Physical Society 1980
419 저널기사 Motion of Neutron Vortices in the Inner Crust of a Neutron Star 미리보기
Jones, P. B American Physical Society 1980
420 저널기사 Motion of Scroll Wave Filaments in the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation 미리보기
Gabbay, M American Physical Society 1980
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