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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A modified Anderson-Wilkins electrocardiographic acuteness score for anterior or inferior myocardial infarction/ 미리보기
Heden, B C. V. Mosby Co 2003
2 저널기사 A murine model of allogeneic adrenocortical cell transplantation: Perspectives for the treatment of Addison's disease in humans/ 미리보기
Ellerkamp, Verena C. V. Mosby Co 2001
3 저널기사 Macrosomic births in the United States: Determinants, outcomes, and proposed grades of risk/ 미리보기
Boulet, S. L C.V. Mosby Co 1900
4 저널기사 Magnetic resonance imaging predicts sphincter invasion of low rectal cancer and influences selection of operation/ 미리보기
Holzer, B C. V. Mosby Co 2003
5 저널기사 Magnetic resonance imaging versus ultrasound for fetal central nervous system abnormalities/ 미리보기
Timor-Tritsch, I. E C.V. Mosby Co 1900
6 저널기사 Malignant progression from C-cell hyperplasia to medullary thyroid carcinoma in 167 carriers of RET germline mutations/ 미리보기
Machens, A C. V. Mosby Co 2003
7 저널기사 Malnutrition-induced macrophage apoptosis/ 미리보기
Rivadeneira, David E C. V. Mosby Co 2001
8 저널기사 Management of incidentally discovered adrenal masses and risk of malignancy/ 미리보기
Favia, Gennaro C. V. Mosby Co 2001
9 저널기사 Management of nonpalpable ultrasound-indeterminate breast lesions/ 미리보기
Louie, L C. V. Mosby Co 2003
10 저널기사 Management of port-site metastasis after laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cancer 미리보기
Huang, K. G C.V. Mosby Co 1900
11 저널기사 Mapping of zones of altered morphology and chorionic connective tissue cellular phenotype in human fetal membranes (amniochorion and decidua) overlying the lower uterine pole and cervix before labor at term/ 미리보기
McParland, P. C C.V. Mosby Co 1900
12 저널기사 Markers of inflammation and thrombosis: clues to plaque instability?/ 미리보기
Kullo, I. J C. V. Mosby Co 2003
13 저널기사 Maternal and perinatal complications with uterine rupture in 142,075 patients who attempted vaginal birth after cesarean delivery: A review of the literature/ 미리보기
Chauhan, S. P C.V. Mosby Co 1900
14 저널기사 Maternal benefit of high-dose intravenous corticosteroid therapy for HELLP syndrome/ 미리보기
Martin Jr, J. N C.V. Mosby Co 1900
15 저널기사 Maternal blood lead effects on infant intelligence at age 7 months/ 미리보기
Emory, E C.V. Mosby Co 1900
16 저널기사 Maternal cerebral blood flow changes in pregnancy/ 미리보기
Zeeman, G. G C.V. Mosby Co 1900
17 저널기사 Maternal death at an inner-city hospital, 1949-2000/ 미리보기
Roosmalen, J. v C.V. Mosby Co 1900
18 저널기사 Maternal-fetal surgery for spina bifida: on the brink of a new era?/ 미리보기
Moise Jr, K. J C.V. Mosby Co 1900
19 저널기사 Maternal methadone dose and neonatal withdrawal/ 미리보기
Berghella, V C.V. Mosby Co 1900
20 저널기사 Maternal plasma cellular fibronectin for early prediction of preeclampsia/ 미리보기
Zhang, J C.V. Mosby Co 1900
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