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1 저널기사 A measure for Christmas spirit 미리보기
Clarke, P. Grayson Associates 2007
2 저널기사 A multi-method investigation of consumer motivations in impulse buying behavior 미리보기
Hausman, A. Grayson Associates 2000
3 저널기사 Maintaining positive returns in the value and supply chain: applying tomorrow's marketing skills 미리보기
Pitta, D. A.; Franzak, F. J.; Little, M. W. Grayson Associates 2004
4 저널기사 Major influence factors in children's consumer socialization 미리보기
Dotson, M. J.; Hyatt, E. M. Grayson Associates 2005
5 저널기사 Making the transition to retirement: appraisals, post-transition lifestyle, and changes in consumption patterns 미리보기
Hopkins, C. D.; Roster, C. A.; Wood, C. M. Grayson Associates 2006
6 저널기사 Managing Brand Extension 미리보기
7 저널기사 Marketing experts' misplaced expertise in the courtroom 미리보기
McConnell, S. J.; Dubas, J. E. Grayson Associates 2004
8 저널기사 Marketing in subsistence marketplaces: consumption and entrepreneurship in a South Indian context 미리보기
Sridharan, S.; Viswanathan, M. Grayson Associates 2008
9 저널기사 Marketing to older adults: an updated overview of present knowledge and practice 미리보기
Moschis, G. P. Grayson Associates 2003
10 저널기사 Marketing to older adults: an updated overview of present knowledge and practice 미리보기
Moschis, G. P Grayson Associates 2003
11 저널기사 Marketing to the Baby Bust Generation 미리보기
12 저널기사 Marketing to the self-actualizing customer 미리보기
Wolfe, D. B.; Sisodia, R. Grayson Associates 2003
13 저널기사 Marketing to the self-actualizing customer/ 미리보기
Wolfe, D. B Grayson Associates 2003
14 저널기사 Marketplace diversity and cost-effective marketing strategies 미리보기
Cui, G.; Choudhury, P. Grayson Associates 2002
15 저널기사 Masochistic marketing: Volvo Australia's not "so safe" strategy 미리보기
Svensson, G. r.; Wood, G.; Callaghan, M. Grayson Associates 2006
16 저널기사 Mass-customisation in marketing: the consumer perspective 미리보기
Bardakci, A.; Whitelock, J. Grayson Associates 2003
17 저널기사 Mass-customisation in marketing: the consumer perspective/ 미리보기
Bardakci, A Grayson Associates 2003
18 저널기사 Measuring consumer satisfaction with consumer protection agencies: some insights from Saudi Arabia 미리보기
Al-Ghamdi, S. M.; Sohail, M. S.; Al-Khaldi, A. Grayson Associates 2007
19 저널기사 Mega, monster or misplaced? Do portion size brand extensions meet consumer needs? 미리보기
Quilliam, E. T. Grayson Associates 2006
20 저널기사 Mismanagement of misfocused trade association leaders 미리보기
Rotfeld, H. J. Grayson Associates 2003
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