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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1401 저널기사 The magnetic structures of HoxTm1-x thin film alloys/ 미리보기
Sarthour, R S North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
1402 저널기사 The magnetic structures of Mn~2PO~4F and Co~2PO~4F at 1.2 K 미리보기
Leblanc, M North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
1403 저널기사 The magnetic texture of Tb/Fe multilayers 미리보기
Tappert, J North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
1404 저널기사 The magnetisation process of the ferrimagnetic spiral structure in DyMn~6~-~xCr~xGe~6 compounds 미리보기
Brabers, J. H. V. J North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
1405 저널기사 The magnetism of Ce-Y alloys/ 미리보기
Deen, P P North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
1406 저널기사 The magnetism of Ce-Y alloys/ 미리보기
Deen, P P North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
1407 저널기사 The magnetization behavior of melt-spun FeDy-B alloys/ 미리보기
Kim, K S North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
1408 저널기사 The magnetization behavior of melt-spun FeDy-B alloys/ 미리보기
Kim, K S North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
1409 저널기사 The magnetization behavior of nanocrystalline permanent magnets based on the Stoner-Wohlfarth Model/ 미리보기
Zhang, H. w North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
1410 저널기사 The magnetization reversal in uniaxial model ferromagnets 미리보기
Oliveira de Jesus, C North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
1411 저널기사 The magneto-optical effect of Cr(001) wedged ultrathin films grown on Fe(001) 미리보기
Suzuki, Y North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
1412 저널기사 The magnetoresistance contribution to the total magnetoimpedance of thin films: a simple model and experimental basis/ 미리보기
Kurlyandskaya, G V North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
1413 저널기사 The marginal welfare cost of public funds: Theory and estimates 미리보기
Snow, Arthur North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
1414 저널기사 The market value of rarity 미리보기
Koford, kenneth North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
1415 저널기사 The measurement of magnetic properties of electrical sheet steel - survey on methods and situation of standards/ 미리보기
Sievert, J North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
1416 저널기사 The measurement of power losses at high magnetic field densities or at small cross-section of test specimen using the averaging/ 미리보기
Gorican, V North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
1417 저널기사 The mechanism of ferromagnetic ordering in PrNi3.9Cu1.1/ 미리보기
Liu, Z. S North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
1418 저널기사 The mechanism of field emission for diamond films studied by scanning tunneling microscopy/ 미리보기
Chen, S. Y North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
1419 저널기사 The medieval church and rents from marriage market regulations 미리보기
Davidson, Audrey B North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
1420 저널기사 The medieval monastery as franchise monopolist 미리보기
Davidson, Audrey B North-Holland Pub. Co 1995
맨앞 이전 71 72 
