1 |
A Map of the World Trade Organization Law of Domestic Regulation of Goods: The Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement, the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Marceau, G.; Trachtman, J.P.
Werner Pub
2 |
A Match Made in the Corporate and Public Interest Marrying Voluntary CSR Initiatives and the WTO
Aaronson, S. A.
Werner Pub.
3 |
Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Anti-dumping Filings Evidence from a New Generation of Protectionist Countries
Hallworth, T.; Piracha, M.
Werner Pub.
4 |
Main features of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, and implications for the
Smeets, Maarten
Werner Pub
5 |
Mainstreaming Development in the World Trade Organization
Ismail, F.
Werner Pub.
6 |
Mandatory Abolition of Anti-dumping, Countervailing Duties and Safeguards in Customs Unions and Free-Trade Areas Constituted Between World Trade Organization Members Revisiting a Long-standing Discussion in Light of the Appellate Bodys Turkey---Textiles Ruling
Gobbi Estrella, A. T.; Horlick, G. N.
Werner Pub.
7 |
Marcel van Marion, International Trade Policy and European Industry (Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014,454 pages)
Graafsma, F.
Werner Pub
8 |
Marginal Consumers, Marginalized Economics: Whose Tastes and Habits Should the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Consider When Assessing `Likeness'?
Iacovides, M.C.
Werner Pub
9 |
Member Intervention in World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Proceedings After EC-Sardines: The Rules, Jurisprudence, and Controversy
Covelli, N.
Werner Pub.
10 |
Microeconometric analysis for determination of injury
Huang, Hsin C
Werner Pub
11 |
Migration and the World Trade Organization
Greenberg, R.; Qalo, V.
Werner Pub.
12 |
Misdirected Ire and Lost Opportunities The False Crisis in Sino-American Relations
Irish, C. R.; Irish, R. W.
Werner Pub.
13 |
Modelling a WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism in an International Antitrust Agreement-An Impossible Dream?
Jung, Y.
Werner Pub.
14 |
More Efficient Policies to Combat Trade Distortions: How Quality Management Programmes Can Help Rationalize the Use of Trade Defence Instruments
Depypere, S.; Delots, M.
Werner Pub
15 |
Moving People to Deliver Services: How Can the WTO Help?
Chaudhuri, S.; Mattoo, A.; Self, R.
Werner Pub.
16 |
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and WTO Rules Why the "Burden of Accommodation" Should Shift to MEAs/
Abdel Motaal, Doaa
Werner Pub
17 |
Multilateralism and the case of Taiwan in trade environment nexus
Shih, Wen-Chen
Werner Pub
18 |
Multilateral rules on competition policy
Mattoo, Aaditya
Werner Pub
19 |
Mutual Recognition Agreements
Mathis, James H
Werner Pub
20 |
Mutual Recognition Agreements and the Proximity-Concentration Trade-off between Foreign Direct Investment and Export
Jang, Y.J.
Werner Pub