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381 저널기사 A maternal diet high in n - 6 polyunsaturated fats alters mammary gland development, puberty onset, and breast cancer risk among female rat offspring 미리보기
Hilakivi-Clarke, L National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
382 저널기사 A mathematical analysis of a two-compartment model of urea kinetics 미리보기
Smye, S. W Institute of Physics in association with the American Institute of Physics and the American Associat 1980
383 저널기사 A Mathematical Analysis of in Vitro Molecular Selection-Amplification 미리보기
Sun, F Academic Press 1980
384 저널기사 A mathematical analysis of the bioenergetics of hurdling 미리보기
Ward-Smith, A. J E. & F.N. Spon Ltd 1980
385 저널기사 A Mathematical Analysis of the Learning Production Process and a Model for Determining What Matters in Education 미리보기
Bacdayan, A. W. Ballinger Pub. Co. 1997
386 저널기사 A Mathematical Analysis of the PML Method 미리보기
Abarbanel, S Academic Press 1980
387 저널기사 A Mathematical Analysis on 2PL and Tree Protocol 미리보기
Huang, Y. E North-Holland [etc 1980
388 저널기사 A mathematical approach to designing central vs. local ordering in retail 미리보기
Ganeshan, R.; Ring, L. J.; Strong, J. S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
Sportelli, M.; Celi, G. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
390 저널기사 A mathematical-based model for company-level budgeting incorporating future unknown contracts 미리보기
Kaka, A. P.; Khosrowshahi, F. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
391 저널기사 A mathematical construction of n-dimensional quasicrystals starting fromG-clusters 미리보기
Cotfas, N The Institute of Physics 1980
392 저널기사 A mathematical equation to calculate the maximum pregnancy rate with a minimum risk for multiple pregnancies in patients undergoing IVF/ 미리보기
Rodriguez, M American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
393 저널기사 A Mathematical Framework for Stochastic Climate Models/ 미리보기
Majda, A J 2001
394 저널기사 A Mathematical Interpretation of Marxian Unproductiove Labour 미리보기
Ludo Cuyvers;; unknown 1977
395 저널기사 A Mathematical Model for a Thick Porous Metal-Hydride Electrode in Discharge 미리보기
Heikonen, J Electrochemical Society 1980
396 저널기사 A mathematical model for bifurcations in a Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction/ 미리보기
Chen, Gang North-Holland 2000
397 저널기사 A mathematical model for cell density and proliferation in squamous epithelium after single-dose irradiation/ 미리보기
D�rr, W Taylor & Francis 2001
398 저널기사 A mathematical model for dilating, non-cohesive granular flows in steep-walled hoppers/ 미리보기
Weir, G. J Pergamon Press 2004
399 저널기사 A mathematical model for Escherichia coli debris size reduction during high pressure homogenisation based on grinding theory 미리보기
Wong, H. H Pergamon Press 1980
400 저널기사 A mathematical model for light dosimetry in photodynamic destruction of human endometrium 미리보기
Tromberg, B. J Institute of Physics in association with the American Institute of Physics and the American Associat 1980
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