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441 저널기사 A mathematical programming approach to constructing composite indicators 미리보기
Zhou, P.; Ang, B. W.; Poh, K. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
442 저널기사 A mathematical programming approach to evaluating alternative machine clusters in cellular 미리보기
Berardi, Victor L Elsevier 1999
443 저널기사 A mathematical programming approach to evaluating alternative machine clusters in cellular manufacturing 미리보기
444 저널기사 A mathematical programming approach to fuzzy efficiency ranking 미리보기
Kao, C.; Liu, S. T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
445 저널기사 A mathematical programming approach towards optimized master production scheduling 미리보기
446 저널기사 A Mathematical Programming Model with Equilibrium Constraints for Competitive Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design 미리보기
Yuxiang Yang; Zuqing Huang; Qiang Patrick Qiang; Gengui Zhou Operational Research Society of Singapore 2017
447 저널기사 A Mathematical Structure of Simple Defensive Network Deceptions 미리보기
Cohen, F. ELSEVIER 2000
448 저널기사 A Mathematical Theorem Useful for the Direct Estimation of Seismic Source Spectra 미리보기
Kim, S. G Seismological Society of America, etc.] 1980
449 저널기사 A mathematical theory of planar particle channeling in crystals/ 미리보기
Dumas, H Scott North-Holland 2000
450 저널기사 A mathematical theory of synchronization by self-feedback 미리보기
Yang, S. S The Institute of Physics 1980
451 저널기사 A Mathematic Model for Direct Causticization of Na~2CO~3 with TiO~2 in a Semi-batch Reactor/ 미리보기
Zeng, L Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering 2003
452 저널기사 A mathematics teacher 미리보기
Gura, E. Y. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2008
453 저널기사 A Mating-Induced Protein of Phytophthora infestans Is a Member of a Family of Elicitors with Divergent Structures and Stage-Specific Patterns of Expression/ 미리보기
Fabritius, A.-L APS Press 2003
454 저널기사 A Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Approach to Identify the Origin of the Glycan Heterogeneity of Diptericin, an O-Glycosylated Antibacterial Peptide from Insects 미리보기
Uttenweiler-Joseph, S Academic Press 1980
455 저널기사 A Matrix-Based Approach to Measure Coupling In Object-Oriented Designs - This article addresses the problem of measuring the quality of 00 designs. The authors propose a new measurement to evaluate coupling metrics for high-level 00 designs expressed in UML. Using a matrix based approach, they Investigate the coupling structure of 00 designs in mutual-class coupling distributions, and show how the design-coupling structure affects the error proneness, reusability, and maintainability of a design./ 미리보기
Yacoub, Sherif M SIGS Publications 2000
456 저널기사 A Matrixed Approach to Long-Term Stability Testing of Pharmaceutical Products 미리보기
Golden, M. H American Pharmaceutical Association 1980
457 저널기사 A matrix equality useful in goodness-of-fit testing of structural equation models/ 미리보기
Satorra, A North-Holland 2003
458 저널기사 A matrix exponential spatial specification 미리보기
LeSage, J. P.; Kelley Pace, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
459 저널기사 A Matrix Form of Fibronectin Mediates Enhanced Binding of Streptococcus pyogenes to Host Tissue 미리보기
Okada, N American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
460 저널기사 A matrix formulation for choosing starting sets in direct methods 미리보기
ANDREWS, LAWRENCE C Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1979
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