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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
581 저널기사 A measurement of the t mass and the first CPT test with t leptons/ 미리보기
582 저널기사 A measurement of the two-photon ionization of atomic hydrogen H(2s) nearthe resonance with the 3p state 미리보기
Antoine, P IOP Pub 1980
583 저널기사 A measurement scale of "aesthetic style" applied to luxury goods stores 미리보기
Godey, B.; Lagier, J.; Pederzoli, D. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
584 저널기사 A measurement tool for customer relationship management processes 미리보기
Oztaysi, B.; Sezgin, S.; Ozok, A. F. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
585 저널기사 A measurement tool for the evaluation of organizational leadership capability 미리보기
Kivipold, K.; Vadi, M. MCB 2010
586 저널기사 A measure of absorptive capacity: Scale development and validation 미리보기
Flatten, T. C.; Engelen, A.; Zahra, S. A.; Brettel, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
587 저널기사 A measure of changes in productivity 미리보기
Stone, R. ELSEVIER 1998
588 저널기사 A measure of conductivity for lattice fermions at finite density 미리보기
Alonso, J L North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
589 저널기사 A measure of critical care nurses' post-code stress/ 미리보기
Cole, Frank L Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
590 저널기사 A measure of discrepancy of multiple sequences/ 미리보기
Fang, Weiwu 2001
591 저널기사 A measure of DNA sequence dissimilarity based on Mahalanobis distance between frequencies of words 미리보기
Wu, T.-J Biometric Society, etc.] 1980
592 저널기사 A measure of equality of choice in higher education 미리보기
Sazama, G. W. PERGAMON 1994
593 저널기사 A measure of federalism: assessing manufacturing tech- nology centers 미리보기
Sabel, C. F. ELSEVIER 1996
594 저널기사 A measure of Federal Reserve credibility 미리보기
Croushore, Dean North-Holland 1994
595 저널기사 A Measure of Federal Reserve Credibility 미리보기
Croushore, D. 00 1994
596 저널기사 A Measure of Fundamental Volatility in the Commercial Property Market 미리보기
Bond, S. A.; Hwang, S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
597 저널기사 A Measure of Greatness: Bela H. Banathy in Memoriam/ 미리보기
Educational News Service 2003
598 저널기사 A Measure of Horizontal Inequity 미리보기
Robert Plotnick M I T Press
599 저널기사 A Measure of Malpractice: Medical Injury, Malpractice Litigation and Patient Compensation, Paul C. Weiler et al. 미리보기
Danzon, P. M. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1995
600 저널기사 A measure of morality: Measurement is the key to establishing the codes of conduct and shared values that organizations are under increasing social and commercial pressure to embrace 미리보기
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