621 |
A Mechanism for Allocating Benefits and Costs from Transmission Interconnections under Cooperation: A Case Study of the North Sea Offshore Grid.
Kristiansen, Martin; Muñoz, Francisco D.; Oren, Shmuel; Korpås, Magnus
Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers
622 |
A Mechanism for Brightening Linear Stability Analysis of the Curvature-Enhanced Coverage Model/
McFadden, G. B
Electrochemical Society
623 |
A Mechanism for Budgeting Faculty Support Services: Ask the Deans
Gordon M. Myers
University of Toronto Press
624 |
A Mechanism for Complementation of the sodA sodB Defect in Escherichia coli by Overproduction of the rbo Gene Product (Desulfoferrodoxin) from Desulfoarculus baarsii
Liochev, S. I
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.]
625 |
A mechanism for eliciting a probability distribution
Qu, X.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
626 |
A Mechanism for Eliciting Second-Order Beliefs and the Inclination to Choose
Karni, Edi
American Economic Association
627 |
A mechanism for episodic subduction on Venus
Fowler, A. C
William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press
628 |
A mechanism for external competence transfer to improve manufacturing system capabilities and market performance
Liao, Y.; Liao, K.; Tu, Q.; Vonderembse, M.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
629 |
A Mechanism for Fatty Acid Inhibition of Glucose Utilization in Liver: Role of Xylulose 5-p
Ye Qi Lui
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.]
630 |
A Mechanism for Flame Acceleration in Narrow Tubes (TN)/
Ott, J. D
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
631 |
A mechanism for halogen release from sea-salt aerosol in the remote marine boundary layer
Vogt, R
Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.]
632 |
A mechanism for inducing plant development: The genesis of a specific inhibitor
Smith, C. E
National Academy of Sciences[etc.]
633 |
A mechanism for intergenomic integration: Abundance of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small-subunit protein influences the translation of the large-subunit mRNA
Rodermel, S
National Academy of Sciences[etc.]
634 |
A mechanism for low-power all-optical switching in multiple-quantum-wellstructures
Knorr, C
American Institute of Physics
635 |
A mechanism for offshore initiation of harmful algal blooms in the coastal Gulf of Maine/
McGillicuddy, D. J
Information Retrieval Inc.]
636 |
A Mechanism for P-Glycoprotein-Mediated Apoptosis As Revealed by Verapamil Hypersensitivity/
Karwatsky, J
American Chemical Society
637 |
A mechanism for production of hydroxyl radicals by the brown-rot fungus Coniophora puteana: Fe(III) reduction by cellobiose dehydrogenase and Fe(II) oxidation at a distance from the hyphae
Hyde, S. M
Society for General Microbiology
638 |
A mechanism for regulation of melanoma invasion. Ligation of �6�1 integrin by laminin G peptides
Nakahara, H
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.]
639 |
A mechanism for regulation of the adhesion-associated protein tyrosine kinase pp125^F^A^K
Richardson, A
Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.]
640 |
A mechanism for rivulet formation in heated falling films
Joo, S. W
Cambridge University Press [etc.]