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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
641 저널기사 A mechanism for inducing plant development: The genesis of a specific inhibitor 미리보기
Smith, C. E National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
642 저널기사 A mechanism for intergenomic integration: Abundance of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small-subunit protein influences the translation of the large-subunit mRNA 미리보기
Rodermel, S National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
643 저널기사 A mechanism for low-power all-optical switching in multiple-quantum-wellstructures 미리보기
Knorr, C American Institute of Physics 1980
644 저널기사 A mechanism for offshore initiation of harmful algal blooms in the coastal Gulf of Maine/ 미리보기
McGillicuddy, D. J Information Retrieval Inc.] 2003
645 저널기사 A Mechanism for P-Glycoprotein-Mediated Apoptosis As Revealed by Verapamil Hypersensitivity/ 미리보기
Karwatsky, J American Chemical Society 2003
646 저널기사 A mechanism for production of hydroxyl radicals by the brown-rot fungus Coniophora puteana: Fe(III) reduction by cellobiose dehydrogenase and Fe(II) oxidation at a distance from the hyphae 미리보기
Hyde, S. M Society for General Microbiology 1980
647 저널기사 A mechanism for regulation of melanoma invasion. Ligation of �6�1 integrin by laminin G peptides 미리보기
Nakahara, H American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
648 저널기사 A mechanism for regulation of the adhesion-associated protein tyrosine kinase pp125^F^A^K 미리보기
Richardson, A Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
649 저널기사 A mechanism for rivulet formation in heated falling films 미리보기
Joo, S. W Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
650 저널기사 A mechanism for sharing best practices between university technology transfer offices 미리보기
De Beer, Christle; Secundo, Giustina; Passiante, Giuseppina; Schutte, Cornelius S. L. Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of the Operational Research Society 2017
651 저널기사 A mechanism for the differential regulation of gonadotropin subunit geneexpression by gonadotropin-releasing hormone 미리보기
Kaiser, U. B National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
652 저널기사 A mechanism for the inhibition of fever by a virus 미리보기
Alcami, A National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
653 저널기사 A mechanism for the major histocompatibility complex-linked resistance to autoimmunity 미리보기
Schmidt, D Rockefeller University Press 1980
654 저널기사 A mechanism for the multiple atomic configurations of inversion domain boundaries in GaN layers grown on Si(111)/ 미리보기
Sanchez, A M American Institute of Physics 2001
655 저널기사 A Mechanism for the Production of Jets and Ansae in Planetary Nebulae 미리보기
Frank, A Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
656 저널기사 A mechanism for the T-odd pion fragmentation function (5 pages)/ 미리보기
Gamberg, L. P Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2003
657 저널기사 A mechanism model of the effect of hedonic product consumption on well-being 미리보기
Zhong, J. Y.; Mitchell, V. W. Taylor & Francis 2010
658 저널기사 A mechanism of covalent substrate binding in the x-ray structure of subunit K of the Escherichia coli dihydroxyacetone kinase/ 미리보기
Siebold, C National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
659 저널기사 A Mechanism of Drug Action Revealed by Structural Studies of Enoyl Reductase 미리보기
Baldock, C American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
660 저널기사 A Mechanism of Field-Oxide-Ungrowth Phenomenon in Recessed Isolation Process and Practical Solution 미리보기
Jang, S.-A Electrochemical Society 1980
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