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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
72021 저널기사 The Multinational Corporation As a Third Space: Rethinking International Management Discourse on Knowledge Transfer Through Homi Bhabha 미리보기
72022 저널기사 The Multinational Corporation in the 1980s 미리보기
J. J. Boddewyn Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
72023 저널기사 The multinational corporation in the 1980s (Book Review). 미리보기
Hirschey Mark American Economic Assonication
72024 저널기사 The multinational enterprise, development, and the inequality of opportunities: A research agenda 미리보기
Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2023
72025 저널기사 The Multinational Enterprise: International Investment and Host-Country Impacts 미리보기
John Clair Thompson Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
72026 저널기사 The Multinational Firm and Exhaustible Resources 미리보기
LARRY SAMUELSON;; unknown 1986
72027 저널기사 The multinationalization of the transport sector 미리보기
Larch, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
72028 저널기사 The Multinational Mission: Balancing Local Demands and Global Vision 미리보기
Kendall Roth Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
72029 저널기사 The Multinomial Probit Model Revisited: A Discussion of Parameter Estimability, Identification and Specification Testing 미리보기
Weeks, M. BLACKWELL 1997
72030 저널기사 The Multiobjective Discrete Optimization Problem: A Weighted Min-Max Two-Stage Optimization Approach and a Bicriteria Algorithm 미리보기
Sayin, S.; Kouvelis, P. Institute of Management Sciences] 2005
72031 저널기사 The Multiparty System Under the Conditions of the Building of Socialism 미리보기
S. Zimanov M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
72032 저널기사 The multiphoton photochemistry of 2-iodooctane in methanol 미리보기
Gao, F Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
72033 저널기사 The Multiple Affective Outcomes of AIDS PSAs: Fear Appeals Do More Than Scare People 미리보기
Price Dillard, J Sage Publications] 1980
72034 저널기사 The Multiple Boundaries of the Firm 미리보기
Araujo, L.; Dubois, A.; Gadde, L.-E. BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS 2003
72035 저널기사 The Multiple-Category Problem: Category Activation and Inhibition in the Hiring Process 미리보기
Kulik, C. T.; Roberson, L.; Perry, E. L. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 2007
72036 저널기사 The Multiple Common Law Roots of Charitable Immunity: An Essay in Honor of Richard Epstein's Contributions to Tort Law Scholarship 미리보기
Jill R. Horwitz Berkeley Electronic Press
72037 저널기사 The Multiple Convergent Processing Model of New Product Development 미리보기
72038 저널기사 The Multiple Convergent Processing Model of New Product Development 미리보기
Hart, S. J.;Baker, M. J. MCB University Press 1994
72039 저널기사 The multiple convolution integral: a new method for modeling multistage continuous leaching reactors 미리보기
Dixon, D. G Pergamon Press 1980
72040 저널기사 The multiple cpb cysteine proteinase genes of Leishmania mexicana encodeisoenzymes that differ in their stage regulation and substrate preferences 미리보기
Mottram, J. C American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
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