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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Necessary but Insufficient: Civil Society in International Mediation 미리보기
Jewett, Georgia Martinus Nijhoff 2019
2 저널기사 Negotiating as a Group Representative: Constraints and Opportunities 미리보기
Druckman, Daniel Martinus Nijhoff 2015
3 저널기사 Negotiating Hostages with Terrorists: Paradoxes and Dilemmas 미리보기
Faure, Guy Olivier Martinus Nijhoff 2015
4 저널기사 Negotiating with Insurgents: Changing Perceptions or Changing Politics? 미리보기
Urlacher, B.R. Martinus Nijhoff 2013
5 저널기사 Negotiating with Two Hands Tied: Fragmented Decision Processes and Concessions in Civil Wars 미리보기
Urlacher, Brian R. Martinus Nijhoff 2019
6 저널기사 Negotiating Your Way Out of Rivalry: Unassisted Conflict Resolution Efforts in Southeast Asia 미리보기
Lounsbery, Marie Olson; Cook, Alethia H. Martinus Nijhoff 2015
7 저널기사 Negotiation and Mediation in the Hard(est) Cases 미리보기
Butler, Michael J. Martinus Nijhoff 2019
8 저널기사 Negotiation Breakthrough Analysis: The Case of Climate Negotiations 미리보기
Bjola, C. Martinus Nijhoff 2014
9 저널기사 Negotiation, Mediation and Insurgent Victory in Counter-insurgency Wars Fought by Foreign Powers 미리보기
Liebel, S.R.; Enterline, A.J. Martinus Nijhoff 2014
10 저널기사 Negotiation Theory and the Intifadat 미리보기
Zartman, I. William Martinus Nijhoff 2015
11 단행본 The Netherlands in court:essays in honour of Johan G. Lammers 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
edited by Niels Blokker ... [et al.] Martinus Nijhoff 2006 URL
12 저널기사 New Elements for Introducing Symmetry in the Middle East Peace Process 미리보기
Zartman, I. William Martinus Nijhoff 2018
13 저널기사 NGOs in WTO Talks: Patterns of Performance and What They Mean 미리보기
Sjostedt, G. Martinus Nijhoff 2012
14 단행본 Nordic health law in a European context:welfare state perspectives on patients' rights and biomedicine 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Elisabeth Rynning & Mette Hartlev (eds.) Martinus Nijhoff ; Liber 2011
15 저널기사 Nuclear Politics of Denial: South Africa and the Additional Protocol 미리보기
Pretorius, J. Martinus Nijhoff 2013
