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1 단행본 Objections at trial 미리보기
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Myron H. Bright, Ronald L. Carlson, Edward J. Imwinkelried National Institute for Trial Advocacy 2008
2 단행본 Objectivity and the rule of law 미리보기
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Matthew H. Kramer Cambridge University Press 2007 URL
3 단행본 Objektive, verlässliche und zugängliche Zeiterfassungssysteme : Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und Umsetzungsbedarf 미리보기
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Maximilian Sebastian Ferdinand Kulenkamp Nomos 2023
4 단행본 Obligationenrecht. II:, Art. 530-964l OR inkl. Schluss- und Übergangsbestimmungen 미리보기
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Herausgeber Rolf Watter, Hans-Ueli Vogt Helbing Lichtenhahn 2024
5 단행본 Obscenity and public morality:censorship in a liberal society 미리보기
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[by] Harry M. Clor University of Chicago Press 1969
6 단행본 Obscurity and clarity in the law:prospects and challenges 미리보기
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edited by Anne Wagner and Sophie Cacciaguidi-Fahy Ashgate 2008
7 단행본 Obtaining evidence abroad in criminal cases.2010 미리보기
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by Michael Abbell Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2010
8 단행본 Occasional papers 미리보기
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reprints series in contemporary Asian studies University of Maryland School of law 1977
9 단행본 Ocean and coastal law and policy 미리보기
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edited by Donald C. Baur, Tim Eichenberg, and G. Michael Sutton American Bar Association 2008 URL
10 단행본 Ocean law and policy : 20 years under UNCLOS 미리보기
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edited by Carlos Esposito Brill Nijhoff 2016
11 단행본 Oceans governance in the twenty-first century:managing the blue planet 미리보기
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Marcus Haward and Joanna Vince Edward Elgar 2008
12 단행본 OCR Law for AS 미리보기
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Jacqueline Martin ; editor, Chris Turner Hodder Education 2008
13 단행본 ODA정책이 수원국의 인권에 미치는 영향 미리보기
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조시현 [국가인권위원회] 2007
14 단행본 The OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises. 미리보기
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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 1994
15 단행본 OECD 기업지배구조원칙의 국내법 수용에 관한 연구 미리보기
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연구자: 최성근 한국법제연구원 2006
16 단행본 OECD 신경기술 권고문의 이슈와 시사점 미리보기
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이명화 한국법제연구원 2020
17 단행본 OECD의 최근 기후변화대응에 관한 규범분석 : 우리나라 녹색성장규범 비교를 중심으로 미리보기
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박찬호 연구 한국법제연구원 2010
18 단행본 OECD의 한국 노동법 모니터링 : 시작에서 종료까지 미리보기
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장신철 한국노동연구원 2008
19 단행본 OECD 環境 諸規程(國文) 미리보기
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[環境部 編] 環境部 1997
20 단행본 Oeuvres de Pothier. Tome Dixieme 미리보기
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annotees et mises en correlation avec le Code civil et la legislation actuelle par M. Bugnet H. Plon : Cosse et Marchal 2010
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