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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 On pricing the priceless: Comments on the economics of the visual art market 미리보기
Gerard-Varet, L.-A. North-Holland 1994
2 저널기사 On the harmonic approximation to a Morse oscillator perturbed by a time-dependent interaction 미리보기
Recamier, A. J. Jauregui, R. North Holland 1994
3 저널기사 On the rate of return in the art market: Survey and evaluation 미리보기
Frey, B. S.; Eichenberger, R. North-Holland 1994
4 저널기사 Open economy macroeconomics under imperfect competition 미리보기
Yip, Chong K North-Holland 1994
5 저널기사 Optimal strategic trade policy under asymmetric information 미리보기
Qiu, Larry D North-Holland 1994
6 저널기사 Optimal trade taxes in the presence of foreign ownership and equity exchanges 미리보기
Takemori, Shumpei North-Holland 1994
7 저널기사 Orbital alignment and electron control in photodissociation products by two-color laser interference 미리보기
Aubanel, E. E. Bandrauk, A. D. North Holland 1994
8 저널기사 Oxygen and solvent intermolecular effects on the ^1^3C spin-lattice relaxation process of C~6~0 in deuterated toluene at 303 K 미리보기
Jones, J. A. Rodriguez, A. A. North Holland 1994
9 저널기사 The organizational cost of protection 미리보기
Vousden, Neil North-Holland 1994
